burke / zeus

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Zeus permanently “freezes” test environment #426

Open maciejkowalski opened 10 years ago

maciejkowalski commented 10 years ago

It happens to me a lot of times.

Test environment goes into "waiting" state FOREVER and nothing happens.

I can't fix that by reloading zeus manually (this is annoying...), and after manual reboot everything is fine.

But isn't zeus job to reload application correctly?



I am using Virtualbox 4.2.12 r84890 and Debian 7.0

@maci ➜  ✗ cat /etc/debian_version 
@maci ➜  ✗ uname -a
Linux maciej-VirtualBox 3.8.0-32-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 1 22:35:23 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Coppied from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19799597/ruby-on-rails-zeus-permanently-freezes-test-environment

timminkov commented 9 years ago

I'm having this issue as well, though I'm using OSX/Iterm/ZSH.

latortuga commented 9 years ago

This also happens to me from time to time but I haven't been able to isolate any behavior that reliably causes it. Restarting zeus works for me every time - does that work for you? Does this happen often to you? Have you noticed it happening in any specific circumstances (editing specific files, running specific tasks, etc)?

timminkov commented 9 years ago

Restarting Zeus works for me. This only happens to me when I run zeus test (I rarely run Zeus server). No other noticeable repeat behavior, but it seems to happen about 30-40 minutes after starting Zeus.