burke / zeus

Boot any rails app in under a second.
MIT License
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not works with Rails 5.1 #639

Closed TangMonk closed 7 years ago

TangMonk commented 7 years ago

start server first:

$ zeus start
[ready] [crashed] [running] [connecting] [waiting]
└── default_bundle
    ├── development_environment
    │   └── prerake
    └── test_environment
        └── test_helper

Available Commands: [waiting] [crashed] [ready]
zeus dbconsole
zeus rake
zeus runner (alias: r)
zeus console (alias: c)
zeus server (alias: s)
zeus generate (alias: g)
zeus destroy (alias: d)
zeus test (alias: rspec, testrb)

and then:

$ zeus s
5.1.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:292:in `require': cannot load such file -- 
rails/commands/server (LoadError)

similar issues #634, #569

sideshowcoder commented 7 years ago

Currently not compatible with Rails 5.1, yet. I'm going to close this as it is a duplicate for #569 thanks for reporting so 👍