burke / zeus

Boot any rails app in under a second.
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Don't require pry; only patch it if it is loaded #654

Closed botimer closed 9 months ago

botimer commented 6 years ago

This should help with issue #617 by not incidentally loading pry at whatever the newest (~> 0.10) gem available is before a bundle using an older pry version can be considered.

bjeanes commented 6 years ago

YES. Thank you. I spent an hour and a half trying to figure out how to get zeus working again without having to pristine all my gems (which should not in the slightest be expected these days)

agibralter commented 6 years ago

Any movement on this?

bbuchalter commented 5 years ago

I got "already activated" errors with byebug. Could this be related to requiring pry as discussed here? See https://github.com/burke/zeus/issues/378#issuecomment-488253659 for more context.

dombesz commented 3 years ago

Is this going to be merged any time soon?

botimer commented 9 months ago

Thanks, @latortuga! 🎉