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replace -rubygems flag with -rrubygems flag #666

Closed dcmorse closed 9 months ago

dcmorse commented 5 years ago

Use of the -rubygems flag - which is generated by default in the zeus.json file - has been causing zeus to exit 1 since Rails 2.5 launched. For example, see this issue comment: https://github.com/burke/zeus/issues/237#issuecomment-423344927 More detail: https://www.engineyard.com/blog/goodbye-ubygems TLDR: this flag hasn't been needed since Ruby 1.9, and you require Ruby 2.0 nowadays, so it's a no-brainer.

This PR just grepped through the zourcecode and replaces all occurrences of -rubygems with -rrubygems - I didn't bother to install Go or test it. What could go wrong?

LeZuse commented 5 years ago

Thank you! I had the same problem with ruby 2.5.1 & rails 5.2.2 and this change solved it.

latortuga commented 9 months ago

Fixed by #671