Closed fedegl closed 11 years ago
I also am having the same problem, and can confirm that saving a model twice "fixes" it. Weird. Problem is, when I forget to do that I have to kill zeus, remove the sock file and start it again. BTW thanks! I really like the idea and the approach
Strange; I haven't been able to replicate this. Can you share more information about your setup?
Versions of: Zeus, Rails, OS, Ruby.
Gemfile dump if possible.
Zeus version 0.10.2 Rails 3.2.8 OS X Mountain Lion
source ''
gem 'rails', '3.2.8' gem 'haml' gem "simple_form" gem "mysql2" gem "devise" gem "cancan" gem "vitobotta-brb" gem "rufus-scheduler" gem "eventmachine" gem "redis", "~> 2.2.0" gem "ipaddress" gem "rest-client" gem "nokogiri" gem "slowweb" gem 'kaminari' gem 'squeel' gem 'spectator-validates_email', require: 'validates_email' gem "maxmind", git: "" gem 'aflexi', git: '' gem 'oauth' gem 'json' gem 'httpclient' gem 'validate_url' gem 'tableless_model', git: "git://", branch: "development" gem 'gravatar_image_tag' gem "rcov" gem 'hpricot' gem 'ruby_parser' gem "faker" gem 'socky-client-rails' gem "unicorn" gem "daemons", require: false gem 'resque', require: "resque/server" gem "pony" gem "resque-pool" gem 'ubersmith', git: '', tag: '0.1.8' gem 'iso_country_codes' gem 'country-select', git: "git://" gem 'onapp-enc-sign', git: '', tag: '0.1.0' gem 'gpgme' gem 'paper_trail', '~> 2' gem 'prawn_rails' gem "private_pub", git: "" gem 'newrelic_rpm' gem "newrelic-redis" gem 'rpm_contrib' gem 'php_serialize' gem 'resque-loner' gem 'resque-scheduler', :require => 'resque_scheduler'
group :assets do gem 'sass-rails', " ~> 3.2.3" gem 'coffee-rails', "~> 3.2.1" gem 'uglifier', '>=1.0.3' gem 'compass-rails' gem 'compass-h5bp' gem "select2-rails" end
gem 'haml-rails' # Optional - to generate haml
gem 'jquery-rails' gem 'html5-rails' gem 'rails-dev-tweaks', '~> 0.6.1'
group :development do gem "activerecord-import", require: false gem "rspec-rails" gem "factory_girl_rails" gem 'jasmine' gem "thin" gem "letter_opener" gem "genspec", git: "git://" end
group :test do gem "rspec-rails" gem "factory_girl_rails" gem 'jasmine' gem 'spork' gem "launchy" gem "cucumber", git: "git://" gem "cucumber-rails" gem "pickle" gem "database_cleaner", git: "git://" gem "capybara" gem "timecop" gem "vcr" gem "webmock" gem "email_spec" gem "em-spec" gem "genspec", git: "git://" gem "acts_as_fu"
gem 'akephalos2', git: 'git://'
gem 'pry' gem 'rspec-spy' end
On 15 Sep 2012, at 16:23, Burke Libbey wrote:
Strange; I haven't been able to replicate this. Can you share more information about your setup?
Versions of: Zeus, Rails, OS, Ruby.
Gemfile dump if possible.
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.
Can you let me know whether this still happens in 0.11.2? I fixed some potentially-related stuff and haven't been able to reproduce this consistently. Thanks :)
I expect this will still be an issue, actually. (likely duplicate of #111). I'm going to dig into these tomorrow, as it seems to be the biggest outstanding bug at the moment.
I've been having trouble wrapping my head fully around this part of the code. I rewrote it to be much more clear (to me) over the last two days. Can you guys try with gem install zeus --pre
(for 0.12.0.pre) and let me know if it's fixed? Thanks :)
Moving to #111.
Every time I save a Rails model I get the following error in the zeus output:
Dependency change at /Users/fede/code/hippo/dnz_api/app/models/record.rb killed : test_environment killed : spec_helper died : spec_helper died : test_environment EOF Wrong message type! Expected ActionResponseMessage, got: ready : test_environment died : test_environment