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Making console container customizable #126

Closed benok closed 2 years ago

benok commented 2 years ago

Hi, again.

I noticed that current default(debian) console doesn't install man pages. It was installed on the debian console of rancheros.

I found It's because Burmilla's debian container is based on -slim image. But I want to use BurmillaOS for personal development server. So I need man page sometimes.

Slim image is for container image, not for console. So, it's suitable alternative for rancheros's "default" console, but I need "(plain)debian" if so.

Anyway, how to customize default console ? We can modify Dockerfile and build image. But how to install that container ? Is it easy at this moment ?

p.s. I think it's useful if we can override install source of console container. I prefer not using custom docker registry, but specify source repository of console container image.

For example,

console: build
console-repository: https://github.com/someone/my-custom-console

clones user's repo & build customized console image on installation.

Isn't that cool ? :-)

olljanat commented 2 years ago

One reason why we switched default console to Debian based is that now you can use apt-get to install additional packages.

Alternatively you can build totally customized console like it is described on https://burmillaos.org/docs/installation/custom-builds/custom-console/

benok commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry for the late response.

One reason why we switched default console to Debian based is that now you can use apt-get to install additional packages.

I'm afraid I think you misunderstand my point.

I'm using the Debian console from the beginning when I started to use rancheros.

I don't want to repeat what I wrote but, Debian's -slim container is not suitable for console container. Rancher didn't use -slim image. I believe -slim for the console is not suitable for human use. *-slim image is built to use inside some app containers.

For example, it didn't install man page even though an additional package has man page inside. It's defined by *-slim image's dpkg configuration.

Alternatively you can build totally customized console like it is described on https://burmillaos.org/docs/installation/custom-builds/custom-console/

Did you really read the page above? It doesn't describe how to build a customized console. Just to describe how to switch available consoles and those which are not available anymore.

I'm happy with Debian console because I'm a Debian user. But the people who love CentOS or Fedora don't want to use Debian console, right?

I prefer we can build & use our own console. That's what I want to write on this ticket.

benok commented 2 years ago

OK, I found the documentation about this below. https://burmillaos.org/docs/system-services/custom-system-services/#creating-your-own-console

Also, I've read implementations around these and perhaps, I understand how to build & use my own image.

I haven't tried yet, but it seems I can even use rancher os's console images like below.

      url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/os-services/master

It requires pushing image to docker repository. I feel it's not handy but implementing custom image build is a bit complicated (i.e. it requires git). If I'm not satisfied with the current method, I might try to implement this.

olljanat commented 2 years ago

Yes it should be possible to use RancherOS consoles on also. And used architecture heavily utilises docker registry so you need to have one.

What comes to Debian vs Debian slim it mostly just define starting point. You should be able to change dpkg config on way that man pages gets included before installing additional packages.

benok commented 2 years ago

Hi, now I published this. https://github.com/benok/burmilla-os-console Could you please take a look?

olljanat commented 2 years ago

Looks good method for me. Now you can support whatever special consoles you need and we don't need support them on there.

If you want you can also open pull request which adds link to your project to https://github.com/burmilla/burmilla.github.io/blob/master/content/docs/installation/custom-builds/custom-console.md

benok commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your comment.

If you want you can also open pull request which adds link to your project to https://github.com/burmilla/burmilla.github.io/blob/master/content/docs/installation/custom-builds/custom-console.md

OK, I want to do this within this week.

benok commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm sorry tooooo be late. :-)

I've recently updated my unofficial custom console images.

I updated Alpine, Ubuntu, Fedora to latest, and checked these consoles a little bit, and I found no problems.

(But currently, only tested within v2.0.0-beta5, though.)

And also submitted the doc's pull request.