burmilla / os

Tiny Linux distro that runs the entire OS as Docker containers
Apache License 2.0
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"burmilla" user does not exist #179

Open ahrastnik opened 2 months ago

ahrastnik commented 2 months ago

BurmillaOS Version: (ros os version) v2.0.1 release

Where are you running BurmillaOS? (docker-machine, AWS, GCE, baremetal, etc.) Proxmox 8.1.4

Which processor architecture you are using? x86

Do you use some extra hardware? (GPU, etc)? No

Which console you use (default, ubuntu, centos, etc..) Default

Do you use some service(s) which are not enabled by default? Docker compose

Have you installed some extra tools to console? No

Do you use some other customizations? No

Please share copy of your cloud-init (remember remove all sensitive data first) Not applicable

I couldn't login via SSH after installing BurmillaOS. I followed the official instructions. After some digging around, I discovered that "burmilla user", which is mentioned in the Install to Disk instructions, doesn't exist. Logging in with "rancher" user, however, worked just fine. Is this expected?

olljanat commented 2 months ago

Because of backward compatibility with RancherOS username “rancher” is used. Any references to user “burmilla” are mistakes documentation and would need to be fixed in https://github.com/burmilla/burmilla.github.io

There is also a lot of other documentation issues which are labeled here but which potentially are already closed because lack of contributors.