burnash / gspread

Google Sheets Python API
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Suggestions for Wrapper and Convenient Methods (add protect/unprotect all) #1208

Open PFython opened 1 year ago

PFython commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. First of all, thanks for all the effort you've put into this package already - it's really helped me on my latest project.

I created the following general purpose 'wrapper' for quickly creating a Worksheet/Tab based on key, title, sheet name, sheet index, or account path. It also includes convenience methods for:

I've also added convenience attributes to the worksheet object:

.email : the service account email (needs to be 'invited' to share a Google Sheet before having access) .account_path : path to the service account JSON file

It wasn't immediately obvious to me where to add these in your structure otherwise I'd have created a pull request but the basic code is below if you think this would be a helpful utility to include?

Describe the solution you'd like

from pathlib import Path
import webbrowser

import gspread

def _view(self: gspread.worksheet.Worksheet):
    """Open this Google Sheet in the default web browser"""

def _protect(self):
    body = {
        "requests": [{
            "addProtectedRange": {"protectedRange": {
                "range": {"sheetId": self._properties['sheetId'],},
                "warningOnly": False,
                "description": f"LOCKED by: {self.email}",
                "editors": {
                        "domainUsersCanEdit": False,
                        "users": [self.email]
        return self.spreadsheet.batch_update(body)
    except gspread.exceptions.APIError as api:
        print(f"'{self._properties['title']}' is already protected")
        return api

def _unprotect(self):
    range_id = self.spreadsheet.list_protected_ranges(self.id).pop()
    range_id = range_id['protectedRangeId']
    body = {
            [{"deleteProtectedRange": {"protectedRangeId": range_id}}]
        return self.spreadsheet.batch_update(body)
    except gspread.exceptions.APIError as api:
        print(f"'{self._properties['title']}' is already protected")
        return api

def _df(self):
    Return a Pandas Dataframe from the specified Google Sheet object.

    Add attribute:
      pd.DataFrame.sheet : gspread.worksheet.Worksheet

    Add method:
    global pd  # Just-in-time import, so as not to 'force' Pandas requirement
    import pandas as pd  
    df = pd.DataFrame(self.get_all_records(numericise_ignore=['all']))
    df.sheet = self
    setattr(pd.DataFrame, "to_gspread", _to_gspread)
    return df

def _to_gspread(self: pd.DataFrame, *args, **kwargs):
    Save (ie. clear and update) the Pandas DataFrame to its parent Google Sheet
    (gspread.worksheet.Worksheet object) specified in self.sheet
    sheet = self.sheet
    sheet.update([self.columns.values.tolist()] + self.values.tolist())
    print(f"Saved: {sheet.spreadsheet.title}\n{sheet.url}")

def Worksheet(key_or_title=None, sheet_name="", sheet_index=0, account_path=""):
    Return a Google Worksheet object (gspread.worksheet.Worksheet) from the
    specified workbook and worksheet, or the first worksheet if not specified.

    sheet_index uses normal Python counting ie. starts at 0.

    Added helper methods and shortcuts:


      .account_path = account_path
      .email = client.auth._service_account_email

    if key_or_title is None and "WORKBOOK_ID" in globals():
        key_or_title = WORKBOOK_ID
    if account_path == "" and "GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_PATH" in globals():
        account_path = account_path.resolve()
        client = gspread.service_account(filename=account_path)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        book = client.open(key_or_title)
    except gspread.exceptions.SpreadsheetNotFound:
            book = client.open_by_key(key_or_title)
        except gspread.exceptions.APIError:
            print(f"gspread.exceptions.APIError:\n  '{key_or_title}' not recognised as a key or title.")
        if sheet_name:
            sheet = book.worksheet(sheet_name)
            sheet = book.worksheets()[sheet_index]
    except (gspread.exceptions.WorksheetNotFound, IndexError, NameError):
        key = f"'{sheet_name}'" if sheet_name else f"index {sheet_index}"
        print(f"gspread.exceptions.WorksheetNotFound:\n  sheet {key} not found.")
        sheet = None
    # Add helper methods and shortcuts
    setattr(gspread.worksheet.Worksheet, "view", _view)
    setattr(gspread.worksheet.Worksheet, "protect", _protect)
    setattr(gspread.worksheet.Worksheet, "unprotect", _unprotect)
    setattr(gspread.worksheet.Worksheet, 'df', property(_df))
    sheet.account_path = account_path
    sheet.email = client.auth._service_account_email
    return sheet

If you like (some or all of) this and want to incorporate it, I'd be happy submit relevant updates to the README doc.

lavigne958 commented 1 year ago

Hi thank you for this generous proposal, we'll have a close look at it when we have time.

It does look interesting. As long as you needed to do these wrappers that means we are lacking some features.

We'll be back here with more details and we'll happy if you can provide a PR to introduce some of it.

PFython commented 1 year ago

Thanks - I was reluctant to submit a PR because I didn't know whether to overwrite/modify an existing class or just add it as an optional wrapper/utility. If you can direct me a little bit as to how/where to try grafting it on, I'll be happy to give it a try, but actually suspect you'll be able to do so quicker, knowing the codebase as you do :)

alifeee commented 1 year ago

Hi, great issue! Thanks for taking the time to make these suggestions.

I have some replies, some may be opinionated. I will give a small overview of each attribute/method you suggest.

For reference, I use book and Spreadsheet interchangeably, and also sheet and Worksheet the same.


Your code is already succinct. I would suggest using gspread.Spreadsheet.url to open the spreadsheet in a browser, with your own code. This means we do not have to add a dependency (webbrowser).

import webbrowser

def open_in_browser(book):



.protect() and .unprotect()

These sound like they would be good additions to gspread! I could eventually give it a go to implement them, but I implore you to give it a try:

For .protect(), I would:

For .unprotect(), I would:

Have a look at the Contributing Guide for how to get started with the repository (and tests!)

.df and pandas.DataFrame.to_gspread()

Personally, I would keep converting between these in your own code. In my opinion, there is no need for these to be internal methods of in either library. In the same way as view() above. Check the documentation for suggestion on how to convert to/from pandas.

.email and .account_path

These are both variables which are required for creating a gspread.Client in the first place. I do not see why they should belong to the Spreadsheet.

You can find the email in your credentials.json file, and you use the account_path in your code to create the gspread instance, so you can just use those if you need either variable.

Thanks for the issue! Hopefully you can give implementing protect/unprotect a go!

PFython commented 1 year ago

Many thanks for the constructive and friendly reply! Yep I'll definitely have a go now you've pointed me in the right direction - probably next week now :) Please feel free to assign this Issue to me!

I saw you've got a list_protected_ranges method so have updated my snippets above and will follow your suggestions for protect/unprotect shortcuts.

All the best!

alifeee commented 1 year ago

Super! Let us know if you need help with anything!

alifeee commented 11 months ago

@PFython We would still love your help on this, if you are interested.

If you no longer wish to, then I will make a PR adding protect/unprotect shortcuts in the coming weeks.

PFython commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your patience and gentle prod @alifeee!

I'm almost finished but got stuck because gspread.Worksheet.add_protected_range() requires an email. As far as I can tell from auth.py the Client attribute .auth._service_account_email is only created upon initialisation, so unless .email is added to the Spreadsheet or Worksheet (like my original, verbose, solution) I'm not sure how to recreate it?

Thanks in advance for any insight! Pete

alifeee commented 11 months ago

Ah, I see the issue.

Did you get remove working?

If you are happy to, I'd suggest you submit a draft PR so we don't lose out on any code you wrote. Then, we can take a look at it with our knowledge of the codebase and see if we can think of a good solution. auth is more in @lavigne958's area of knowledge.

PFython commented 11 months ago

Thanks guys - I just submitted a draft PR: https://github.com/burnash/gspread/pull/1273

All the best, Pete

alifeee commented 9 months ago

PR exists, but we are unsure how to get the email needed for the protected range. See https://github.com/burnash/gspread/pull/1273#pullrequestreview-1580026601