burnedram / affesay

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super simple version for windows and linux ? #4

Open reaby opened 8 years ago

reaby commented 8 years ago


I'm working a php-based addon for cs:go and would like to use colors with chat, but I found that csay needs eBot running, also csay is closed source with no documentation :(

What comes to myself, I can't do a csgo vanilla addon, but looks like you can do it easily! I was wondering if you could make super simple version of affesay for windows and linux platforms?

This only would need to have ability to use rcon commands:

optionally if possible print out some missing events like player_spawn to rcon console output.

reaby commented 8 years ago

I managed to compile this, but it seems it doesn't find some shared library:

dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
/opt/csgo/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

how to fix ? also if i looked right, it doesn't support yet coloured chat :(

burnedram commented 8 years ago

Hi! Didn't think someone would find this so fast (or at all) :D

This project is very much in a superduper early I-dont-even-really-know-what-I-want-it-to-do stage, but what you're proposing is what I had in mind from the beginning! However, I may have gotten a little sidetracked, and now it can do much much more, while still being totally useless.

I don't have the time right now to continue working on it, but I'm soon done with my summer job, and I'll promise to get out a barebone version that can do what you suggested. It will probably not be in this repo though, but I'll make sure to link it in this thread!

Thanks for your interest :D

P.S. A Windows version will probably never happen. But since it is a server-side plugin only, you should be all set to go as long as you're running your server on a Linux machine. (I can still create client-side commands, even though it's a server-side plugin)

reaby commented 8 years ago

Very nice to hear you're still working on this, and many thanks for reply, I was wondering if this project was abandoned, but it's not!!! Indeed, my interest would be doing open sourced alternative thingy to ebot & csay. You mentioned you don't know what to do with this.. if you wish, maybe we could somehow team up and to make alternative to ebot/csay, but open sourced! Currently I'm facing some problems with synchronizing with cs:go server. As I can't really get accurate infos on if server is paused, what round is playing currently, is it warmup round and which halftime is it running, if you could help on this it would be super!

Well most servers run linux anyway, so windows version not that needed anyway :) I'm using rcon commands and the remote log port for the controller stuff...