burner-wallet / burner-wallet-2

A modular, extendable Burner Wallet
MIT License
88 stars 39 forks source link

PollingBlockTracker - encountered an error while attempting to update latest block #14

Closed PaulRBerg closed 4 years ago

PaulRBerg commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what causes this, but reading https://github.com/MetaMask/web3-provider-engine/issues/311 there seems to be a bug in web3-provider-engine. Updating to the latest version fixes the problem.

c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1 Uncaught Error: PollingBlockTracker - encountered an error while attempting to update latest block:
Error: Could not find gateway for network 1
    at t.value (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at Object.handleRequest (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at e (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1
    at e.middleware (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at e.value (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at e (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at u.handleRequest (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at e (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at d.handleRequest (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at e.<anonymous> (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at c (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at Generator._invoke (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at Generator.t.<computed> [as throw] (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at r (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)
    at u (c5e06564d84d8899bc40f35f2a1b1e0cdaf5b452.js:1)

This happened in the sablier burner wallet, both in the home page and the withdrawal page. Here's the source code: https://github.com/sablierhq/sablier/tree/develop/packages/burner-wallet

dmihal commented 4 years ago

For anyone who lands on this issue in the future: it means you need to create a .env file with REACT_APP_INFURA_KEY defined in it. See documentation for more details.

manish8561 commented 3 years ago

still facing same issue after creating env file