Open burner opened 16 years ago
par should point to the entry of main.func
import std.stdio; import std.string;
uint func(uint outer_param) { uint outer_var = 56789+outer_param;
void nested(uint nested_param) { int nested_var = 1234+nested_param; outer_var += nested_var; } nested(outer_param*123); return outer_var;
void main(string[] args) { writefln("%d", func(atoi(args[1]))); }
jascha reported this on 2007-12-02T07:38:10Z
Transfered from
CC List
par should point to the entry of main.func
S_GPROC32 par=x00000000 end=x00000000 next=x00000000 len=x001f debsta=x0007 debend=x001b off=x0000 seg=x0000 proctyp=x1004 near _D4main4funcFkZk6nestedMFkZv segidx = 5 offset = 00a1, lcfd = ec12, fd = 1, td = 2, targdisp = x0000
import std.stdio; import std.string;
uint func(uint outer_param) { uint outer_var = 56789+outer_param;
void main(string[] args) { writefln("%d", func(atoi(args[1]))); }