burodepeper / language-markdown

Add support for Markdown to Atom (including Github flavored, Markdown Extra, CriticMark, YAML/TOML front-matter, and R Markdown), and smart behavior to lists.
MIT License
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Support numbered lists #231

Closed kylebarron closed 6 years ago

kylebarron commented 6 years ago

It looks like https://github.com/burodepeper/language-markdown/pull/94 was meant to fix this, but it doesn't work for me in the latest version. I could be interested in sending a PR for this.

peek 2018-08-03 11-39

burodepeper commented 6 years ago

Blank list items get removed, check: https://github.com/burodepeper/language-markdown/blob/master/lib/main.js#L55-L60

It's meant for when you're at the end of a list, then it'll remove the last, empty list item, so you can just press enter twice. I believe most word processors implement something similar.

kylebarron commented 6 years ago

Sorry! I should have known that behavior from the non-numbered lists.

burodepeper commented 6 years ago

No problem, and you shouldn't anything. Thanks for all your help by the way! Appreciate it a lot