burodepeper / language-markdown

Add support for Markdown to Atom (including Github flavored, Markdown Extra, CriticMark, YAML/TOML front-matter, and R Markdown), and smart behavior to lists.
MIT License
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Add `julia-repl` to matched fenced-code languages. #235

Closed NHDaly closed 6 years ago

NHDaly commented 6 years ago

Make the julia fenced-code regex also match julia-repl, which is sometimes used to indicate that a code-block contains output from a julia REPL session (i.e. the julia> input prompt).

Here is an example of this being encouraged from the Julia documentation: https://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/documentation/#Documentation-1

Currently, adding a - in the language specification seems to break parsing completely, such that the parser stops highlighting after it, which is a worse failure than simply not understanding the language: julia-repl-markdown

The goal of this PR is to fix that! :)

NHDaly commented 6 years ago

Thanks much! :)

burodepeper commented 6 years ago

You too!