buserror / simreprap

emulates en entire reprap 3D printer running a Marlin firmware binary, renders it in opengl
36 stars 13 forks source link

Serial port is unresponsive #6

Open tresf opened 6 years ago

tresf commented 6 years ago

Using Ubuntu 16.04 but also tested against 14.04 in VM and physical workstation.

From @klabarge's wiki:

sudo apt-get install libdevil-dev libtool-bin libtool libfontconfig1-dev clang libelf-dev freeglut3 freeglut3-dev gcc-avr avr-libc gcc make git libcairo2-dev picocom
git clone https://github.com/buserror/simreprap
cd simreprap
make -I shared/libc3/
SIMAVR_UART_XTERM=1 obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/reprap.elf

What happens:

We also tried:

Is there a step we're missing or is simreprap incompatible with Ubuntu?

chron0 commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this? I ran into the same issue:

Stripped base directory to '.'
firmware firmware.elf f=0 mmcu=
uart_pty_init bridge on port *** /dev/pts/26 ***
uart_pty_init tap on port *** /dev/pts/27 ***
uart_pty_connect: /tmp/simavr-uart0 now points to /dev/pts/26
WARNING avr_init_irq() with NULL name for irq 1.
thermistor_init on ADC 0 start 25.00
WARNING avr_init_irq() with NULL name for irq 1.
thermistor_init on ADC 2 start 30.00
WARNING avr_init_irq() with NULL name for irq 1.
thermistor_init on ADC 1 start 10.00
WARNING avr_init_irq() with NULL name for irq 1.
WARNING avr_init_irq() with NULL name for irq 1.
pad = 1170 = 2
loaded gfx/hb.png 390x390x3 pix 0x55ba522a4930
pad = 384 = 0
loaded gfx/brass.png 128x128x3 pix 0x55ba5223f3d0
pad = 32 = 0
loaded gfx/BlurryCircle.png 32x32x1 pix 0x55ba52230dd0
gfx/buserror-nozzle-model.obj RoadKillOut(0x55ba5232f8e0) bbox = -6.40 -4.75 0.00 - 6.40 11.25 18.00
c3geometry_factor has 1056/1056/1056 vertices/normals/tex and 0 indexes
c3geometry_factor converted to 392 vertices and 1056 indexes
c3font_manager_new texture 0
c3font_new(gfx/VeraMono.ttf, 18.000000) = 0x55ba5233a290
c3font_new texture 3
Text is 12 glyphs and 133.125000 wide-ish
avr_gdb_init listening on port 1234
glUniform2fv(C3APIO_INT(fxaa->params.e[0].pid), 1, size.n): invalid operation
_c3_load_pixels Creating texture gfx/hb.png 390x390 (id 4)
_c3_load_pixels Creating texture white 1x1 (id 5)
_c3_load_pixels Creating texture gfx/BlurryCircle.png 32x32 (id 6)
_c3_load_pixels Creating texture gfx/brass.png 128x128 (id 7)

"avr_sadly_crashed" doesn't sound too well either :)