First of all, let me say I'm a fan of the modeltime ecosystem, and thank you Matt for contributing so much to the Data Science and R communities. Now for my issue, which is actually more of a question: How can I use gluonts models such as DeepAR and N-Beats with nested time series?
I was able to successfully implement the workflow described in your post on Iterative Nested Forecasting with modeltime training several models for all nested time series at once with the _modeltime_nestedfit function. Unfortunately, though, I have not been able to include models available in modeltime.gluonts in the same process and train them side-by-side with ML models.
My guess is modeltime's _modeltime_nestedfit does not work with gluonts models yet, but I thought I would ask here for some enlightenment, if it's not too much of a bother.
Thank you so much for your time and attention!
The code I used for this experiment:
#creating the nested data exactly like the post mentioned above
nested_data_tbl <- walmart_sales_weekly %>%
select(id,Date,Weekly_Sales) %>%
extend_timeseries(.id_var = id,
.date_var = Date,
.length_future = 52) %>%
nest_timeseries(.id_var = id,
.length_future = 52,
.length_actual = 52*2) %>%
split_nested_timeseries(.length_test = 52)
#simple recipe
rec_prophet <- recipe(Weekly_Sales ~ Date, extract_nested_train_split(nested_data_tbl))
#prophet Workflow that works flawlessly
wflw_prophet <- workflow() %>%
prophet_boost("regression", seasonality_yearly = TRUE) %>%
) %>%
#minimal DeepAR workflow that does not work
wflw_deepAR <- workflow() %>%
id = "id",
freq = "W",
prediction_length = 48,
lookback_length = 36,
) %>%
set_engine("gluonts_deepar")) %>%
#fitting models to nested time series
nested_modeltime_tbl <- modeltime_nested_fit(
nested_data = nested_data_tbl,
wflw_prophet, wflw_deepAR
#> Fitting models on training data... ====>-------------------------- 14% | ET...
#> Fitting models on training data... =========>--------------------- 29% | ET...
#> Fitting models on training data... =============>----------------- 43% | ET...
#> Fitting models on training data... =================>------------- 57% | ET...
#> Fitting models on training data... =====================>--------- 71% | ET...
#> Fitting models on training data... ==========================>---- 86% | ET...
#> Warning: Some models had errors during fitting. Use
#> `extract_nested_error_report()` to review errors.
#> # A tibble: 7 x 4
#> id .model_id .model_desc .error_desc
#> <fct> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1_1 2 DEEP_AR Column not found: id = 'id'. Make sure your datas~
#> 2 1_3 2 DEEP_AR Column not found: id = 'id'. Make sure your datas~
#> 3 1_8 2 DEEP_AR Column not found: id = 'id'. Make sure your datas~
#> 4 1_13 2 DEEP_AR Column not found: id = 'id'. Make sure your datas~
#> 5 1_38 2 DEEP_AR Column not found: id = 'id'. Make sure your datas~
#> 6 1_93 2 DEEP_AR Column not found: id = 'id'. Make sure your datas~
#> 7 1_95 2 DEEP_AR Column not found: id = 'id'. Make sure your datas~
First of all, let me say I'm a fan of the modeltime ecosystem, and thank you Matt for contributing so much to the Data Science and R communities. Now for my issue, which is actually more of a question: How can I use gluonts models such as DeepAR and N-Beats with nested time series?
I was able to successfully implement the workflow described in your post on Iterative Nested Forecasting with modeltime training several models for all nested time series at once with the _modeltime_nestedfit function. Unfortunately, though, I have not been able to include models available in modeltime.gluonts in the same process and train them side-by-side with ML models. My guess is modeltime's _modeltime_nestedfit does not work with gluonts models yet, but I thought I would ask here for some enlightenment, if it's not too much of a bother. Thank you so much for your time and attention!
The code I used for this experiment:
Created on 2021-12-28 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Obs: I tried including a dummy column "id" in my nested train/test frames (and in my recipe), but got the same error.