business-science / modeltime.gluonts

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R Studio Pro - now crashing on boot #61

Open twoolston opened 2 months ago

twoolston commented 2 months ago

Ubuntu 22.04 Posit VM provisioned by Azure marketplace. installed modeltime.gluonts Ran install.gluonts()

Now the session crashes about 20 second after start. The R runs fine from the command line. And my shiny apps are still running find. This VM uses R Studio Pro. Re-booted the VM. Same issue.

It says this: Listener bound to address port 35437 https Session proxy listening on 35255 https /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rsession-run: line 234: 8922 Aborted (core dumped) /bin/bash --login $RSESSION_PROFILE_OPTIONS -c "$(getDiagnosticsPrintenv) $RSESSION_EXEC_COMMAND $(getDiagnosticSessionLdd) $(getDiagnosticSessionOptions) $RSESSION_EXEC_COMMAND $(getDiagnosticSessionStrace) $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/rsession $RSESSION_ARGS $WWW_REUSE_PORTS" $(getDiagnosticSessionRedirection)

Also it says this: Invalid session scope 1 - is the user's home drive properly mounted and writeable by both RStudio Server and the session?

Did install.gluonts() somehow unmount my drive?

Fixed it. Had to rename the rstudio user configuration file. I can now get the session to boot without crashing.
