business-science / modeltime

Modeltime unlocks time series forecast models and machine learning in one framework
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Lesson 11.11 - Model Inspection - Visualizing the Future Forecast #47

Closed lucaszago closed 3 years ago

lucaszago commented 3 years ago

in the session 11.11 I was trying to forecast my future data and I got the following error: Error: Problem occurred combining processed data with timestamps. Most likely cause is rows being added or removed during preprocessing. Try imputing missing values to retain the full number of rows. All my lag models was removed for my data, follow my code: forecast_future_tbl <- refit_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = forecast_tbl, actual_data = iniciativa_full1 )

Where you read : actual_data = iniciativa_full1 is actual_data = data_prepared_tbl Follow my recipe for lag models: recipe_spec_2_lag <- recipe_spec_base %>% step_rm(data_planejada) %>% step_naomit(startswith("lag")) I did not have any issues befofe this step, I could do lag models normally

mdancho84 commented 3 years ago

Hey, I actually thought this was your data. If so, I need a reproducible data set with full code to reproduce your issue.

lucaszago commented 3 years ago

Hey Matt,

Follow my code below, and my csv file attached.


library(tidymodels) library(modeltime) library(tidyverse) library(lubridate) library(timetk) library(StanHeaders) library(rules)

Data Wrangle ----

iniciativa <- read_csv("Jira3.csv") %>% select(Custom field (Completion date)) %>% separate(Custom field (Completion date), into = c("data_planejada"), sep = " ", remove = TRUE) %>% mutate(data_planejada = dmy(data_planejada)) %>% summarise_by_time(data_planejada, .by ="day", qtd = n()) %>% pad_by_time(.pad_value = 0) %>% mutate(qtd_NA = ifelse(qtd == 0, NA, qtd)) %>% mutate(qtd_imputed = ts_impute_vec(qtd_NA, period = 7)) %>% select(-qtd_NA, -qtd) %>% arrange(data_planejada) %>% drop_na()

Preprocess Target ----

iniciativa <- iniciativa %>% mutate(qtd_trans = log_interval_vec(qtd_imputed, limit_lower = 0, offset = 2)) %>% mutate(qtd_trans = standardize_vec(qtd_trans)) %>% select(-qtd_imputed)

Salvando Parâmetros Chave ----

limit_lower <- 0 limit_upper <- 17.5064130926397 offset <- 2 std_mean <- -0.983655732329455 std_sd <- 0.732484118654259

iniciativa %>% plot_acf_diagnostics( data_planejada, .value = qtd_trans, .show_white_noise_bars = T, .lags = 1:305 ) ?plot_acf_diagnostics


- Extend to Future Window

- Add any lags to full dataset

horizon <- 20*7 lag_period <- c(1, 2, 30, 61, 89, 91, 117, 119, 121, 147) rolling_periods <- c(30, 60, 90)


iniciativa_full <- iniciativa %>% bind_rows( future_frame(.data = ., .date_var = data_planejada, .length_out = horizon) ) %>% tk_augment_lags(qtd_trans, .lags = lag_period) %>% tk_augment_slidify( .value = qtd_trans_lag89, .f = mean, .period = rolling_periods, .align = "center", .partial = TRUE ) %>% rename_with(.cols = contains("lag"), .fn = ~ strc("lag", .))

?tk_augment_slidify iniciativa_full %>% pivot_longer(-data_planejada) %>% plot_time_series(data_planejada, value, name, .smooth = FALSE)


iniciativa_full1 <- iniciativa_full %>% filter(!

forecast_tbl <- iniciativa_full %>% filter(


splits <- time_series_split(iniciativa_full1 , assess = horizon, cumulative = TRUE)

splits %>% tk_time_series_cv_plan() %>% plot_time_series_cv_plan(data_planejada, qtd_trans)

Calibrate and plot----

calibrate_and_plot <- function(..., type = "testing") {

if (type == "testing") {
  new_data <- testing(splits)
} else {
  new_data <- training(splits) %>% drop_na()

calibration_tbl <- modeltime_table(...) %>%

print(calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_accuracy())

calibration_tbl %>%
    new_data = new_data,
    actual_data = iniciativa_full1
  ) %>%
  plot_modeltime_forecast(.conf_interval_show = FALSE)



recipe_spec_base <- recipe(qtd_trans ~ ., data = training(splits)) %>% step_timeseries_signature(data_planejada) %>% step_rm(matches("(iso)|(xts)|(hour)|(minute)|(second)|(|(concluido_year)")) %>% step_normalize(matches("(index.num)|(year)|(yday)")) %>% step_dummy(all_nominal(), one_hot = TRUE) %>% step_fourier(data_planejada, period = c(7, 14, 30, 90, 365), K = 2)

recipe_spec_base %>% prep() %>% juice() %>% glimpse()

recipe_spec_base_no_lag <- recipe_spec_base %>% step_rm(starts_with("lag"))

recipe_spec_base_no_lag %>% prep() %>% juice() %>% glimpse()

* Spline Recipe Spec ----

recipe_spec_base %>% prep() %>% juice() %>% glimpse()

recipe_spec_1_spline <- recipe_spec_base %>% step_rm(data_planejada) %>% step_ns(ends_with("index.num"), deg_free = 2) %>% step_rm(startswith("lag"))

recipe_spec_1_spline %>% prep() %>% juice() %>% glimpse()

* Lag Recipe ----

recipe_spec_base %>% prep() %>% juice() %>% glimpse()

recipe_spec_2_lag <- recipe_spec_base %>% step_rm(data_planejada) %>% step_naomit(startswith("lag"))

recipe_spec_2_lag %>% prep() %>% juice() %>% glimpse()

* AUTO ARIMA -----

model_fit_auto_arima <- arima_reg() %>% set_engine("auto_arima") %>% fit( qtd_trans ~ data_planejada

* Calibration ----

calibration_tbl <- modeltime_table( model_fit_auto_arima ) %>% modeltime_calibrate(testing(splits))

* Forecast Test ----

calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = testing(splits), actual_data = iniciativa_full1 ) %>% plot_modeltime_forecast()

* Accuracy Test ----

calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_accuracy()

* Refit ----

refit_tbl <- calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_refit(iniciativa_full1)

Invert Transformation

refit_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = forecast_tbl, actual_data = iniciativa_full1 ) %>%

mutate(across(.value:.conf_hi, .fns = ~ standardize_inv_vec( x = ., mean = std_mean, sd = std_sd ))) %>% mutate(across(.value:.conf_hi, .fns = ~ log_interval_inv_vec( x = ., limit_lower = limit_lower, limit_upper = limit_upper, offset = offset ))) %>% plot_modeltime_forecast()

* Boosting ARIMA -----

model_spec_arima_boost <- arima_boost( seasonal_period = 1,

mtry = 0.15, #15 trees = 600, #800 min_n = 2, #2 tree_depth = 5, #5 learn_rate = 0.15, loss_reduction = 0.15,

) %>% set_engine("auto_arima_xgboost")

set.seed(123) wflw_fit_arima_boost <- workflow() %>% add_model(model_spec_arima_boost) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec_base_no_lag) %>% fit(training(splits))

* Calibration ----

calibration_tbl <- modeltime_table( model_fit_auto_arima, wflw_fit_arima_boost ) %>% modeltime_calibrate(testing(splits))

* Forecast Test ----

calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = testing(splits), actual_data = iniciativa_full1 ) %>% plot_modeltime_forecast(.title = "Forecast de Iniciativas", .x_lab = "Mês", .y_lab = "Quantidade")

* Accuracy Test ----

calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_accuracy()

* Refit ----

refit_tbl <- calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_refit(data = iniciativa_full1)

refit_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast(new_data = forecast_tbl, actual_data = iniciativa_full1) %>%

Invert Transformation

mutate(across(.value:.conf_hi, .fns = ~ standardize_inv_vec( x = ., mean = std_mean, sd = std_sd ))) %>% mutate(across(.value:.conf_hi, .fns = ~ log_interval_inv_vec( x = ., limit_lower = limit_lower, limit_upper = limit_upper, offset = offset ))) %>% plot_modeltime_forecast(.title = "Forecast de Iniciativas do Portfolio", .x_lab = "Meses", .y_lab = "Número de Iniciativas")

* Boosting PROPHET -----

* Recipes ----

model_fit_prophet <- prophet_reg( changepoint_num = 10, changepoint_range = 0.8,

) %>% set_engine("prophet") %>% fit(qtd_trans ~ data_planejada, data = training(splits))

* Calibration ----

calibration_tbl <- modeltime_table( model_fit_prophet ) %>% modeltime_calibrate(testing(splits))

* Forecast Test ----

calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = testing(splits), actual_data = iniciativa_full1 ) %>% plot_modeltime_forecast()

* Accuracy Test ----

calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_accuracy()

* Refit ----

refit_tbl <- calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_refit(iniciativa_full)

refit_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = forecast_tbl, actual_data = iniciativa_full1) %>% plot_modeltime_forecast()

Model Spec----

model_spec_prophet_boost <-prophet_boost(

Prophet Params

changepoint_num = 25, changepoint_range = 0.8,


mtry = 0.80,

min_n = 20, tree_depth = 3, learn_rate = 0.35,

loss_reduction = 0.15,

trees = 500 ) %>% set_engine("prophet_xgboost")

Workflow ----

set.seed(123) wflw_fit_prophet_boost <- workflow() %>% add_model(model_spec_prophet_boost) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec_base_no_lag) %>% fit(training(splits))

calibrate_and_plot( model_fit_prophet, wflw_fit_prophet_boost )

modeltime_table( wflw_fit_prophet_boost ) %>% modeltime_residuals( training(splits) ) %>% plot_modeltime_residuals()

* Modeltime----

model_tbl <- modeltime_table( model_fit_auto_arima, wflw_fit_arima_boost, model_fit_prophet, wflw_fit_prophet_boost )

* Calibration----

calibration_tbl <- model_tbl %>% modeltime_calibrate( testing(splits) )

* Accuracy Test----

calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_accuracy()

* Forecast Test----

calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = testing(splits), actual_data = iniciativa_full1 ) %>% plot_modeltime_forecast()

* Refit----

refit_tbl <- calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_refit( data = iniciativa_full1 )

refit_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = forecast_tbl, actual_data = iniciativa_full1 ) %>% plot_modeltime_forecast( .conf_interval_show = FALSE )


model_spec_glmnet <- linear_reg( mode = "regression", penalty = 0.1, mixture = 0.5 ) %>% set_engine("glmnet")


wflw_fit_glmnet_spline <- workflow() %>% add_model(model_spec_glmnet) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec_1_spline) %>% fit(training(splits))


wflw_fit_glmnet_lag <- workflow() %>% add_model(model_spec_glmnet) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec_2_lag) %>% fit(training(splits))

Calibrate & Plot----

calibration_tbl <- modeltime_table( wflw_fit_glmnet_spline, wflw_fit_glmnet_lag ) %>% update_model_description(1, "GLMNET - Spline") %>% update_model_description(2, "GLMNET - Lag") %>% modeltime_calibrate(testing(splits))

calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_accuracy()

calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = testing(splits), actual_data = iniciativa_full1 ) %>% plot_modeltime_forecast(.conf_interval_show = FALSE)


model_spec_knn <- nearest_neighbor( mode = "regression", neighbors = 10, weight_func = "triangular" ) %>% set_engine("kknn")


set.seed(123) wflw_fit_knn_spline <- workflow() %>% add_model(model_spec_knn) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec_1_spline) %>% fit(training(splits))

calibrate_and_plot( wflw_fit_knn_spline )


set.seed(123) wflw_fit_knn_lag <- wflw_fit_knn_spline%>% update_recipe(recipe_spec_2_lag) %>% fit(training(splits))

calibrate_and_plot( wflw_fit_knn_spline, wflw_fit_knn_lag )

Random Forest----

model_spec_rf <- rand_forest( mode = "regression", mtry = 50, trees = 500,

) %>% set_engine("randomForest")


set.seed(123) wflw_fit_rf_spline <- workflow() %>% add_model(model_spec_rf) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec_1_spline) %>% fit(training(splits))

calibrate_and_plot( wflw_fit_rf_spline )


set.seed(123) wflw_fit_rf_lag <- wflw_fit_rf_spline %>% update_recipe(recipe_spec_2_lag) %>% fit(training(splits))

calibrate_and_plot( wflw_fit_rf_spline, wflw_fit_rf_lag )


model_spec_boost <- boost_tree( mode = "regression", mtry = 25, trees = 500, min_n = 2, learn_rate = 0.3, loss_reduction = 0 ) %>% set_engine("xgboost")


set.seed(123) wflw_fit_xgboost_spline <- workflow() %>% add_model(model_spec_boost) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec_1_spline) %>% fit(training(splits))


set.seed(123) wflw_fit_xgboost_lag <- wflw_fit_xgboost_spline %>% update_recipe(recipe_spec_2_lag) %>% fit(training(splits))

calibrate_and_plot( wflw_fit_xgboost_spline, wflw_fit_xgboost_lag )


model_spec_cubist <- cubist_rules( committees = 5, neighbors = 5, max_rules = 100 ) %>% set_engine("Cubist")


set.seed(123) wflw_fit_cubist_spline <- workflow() %>% add_model(model_spec_cubist) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec_1_spline) %>% fit(training(splits))


set.seed(123) wflw_fit_cubist_lag <- wflw_fit_cubist_spline %>% update_recipe(recipe_spec_2_lag) %>% fit(training(splits))

Calibrate & Plot----

calibrate_and_plot( wflw_fit_cubist_spline, wflw_fit_cubist_lag )

Neural Net----

model_spec_nnet <- mlp(mode = "regression", hidden_units = 10, penalty = 1, epochs = 50) %>% set_engine("nnet")


set.seed(123) wflw_fit_nnet_spline <- workflow() %>% add_model(model_spec_nnet) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec_1_spline) %>% fit(training(splits))


set.seed(123) wflw_fit_nnet_lag <- wflw_fit_nnet_spline %>% update_recipe(recipe_spec_2_lag)%>% fit(training(splits))

Calibrate & Plot----

calibrate_and_plot( wflw_fit_nnet_spline, wflw_fit_nnet_lag )


model_spec_nnetar <- nnetar_reg( non_seasonal_ar = 2, seasonal_ar = 1, hidden_units = 10, penalty = 1, num_networks = 5, epochs = 50 ) %>% set_engine("nnetar")

set.seed(123) wflw_fit_nnetar_base <- workflow() %>% add_model(model_spec_nnetar) %>% add_recipe(recipe_spec_base) %>% fit(training(splits) %>% drop_na())

Calibrate & Plot----

calibrate_and_plot( wflw_fit_nnetar_base )

Compare Model Performance----

Modeltime table

model_tbl <- modeltime_table( wflw_fit_glmnet_spline, wflw_fit_glmnet_lag, wflw_fit_knn_spline, wflw_fit_knn_lag, wflw_fit_rf_spline, wflw_fit_rf_lag, wflw_fit_xgboost_spline, wflw_fit_xgboost_lag, wflw_fit_cubist_lag, wflw_fit_nnetar_base ) %>% mutate( .model_desc_2 = str_c(.model_desc, rep_along(.model_desc, c(" - Spline", " - Lag"))) ) %>% mutate( .model_desc = ifelse(.model_id == 11, .model_desc, .model_desc_2) ) %>% select(-.model_desc_2)

Calibration Table----

calibration_tbl <- model_tbl %>% modeltime_calibrate( testing(splits) )


Obtain Test Forecast Accuracy----

calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_accuracy() %>%

RMSE for Model Error

R Squared for Model Variance explained

table_modeltime_accuracy(resizable = TRUE, bordered = TRUE)

Visualize Test Forecast----

forecast_test_tbl <- calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = testing(splits), actual_data = iniciativa_full1 )

forecast_test_tbl %>% plot_modeltime_forecast( .conf_interval_show = FALSE )


set.seed(123) refit_tbl <- calibration_tbl %>% modeltime_refit(data = iniciativa_full1)

forecast_future_tbl <- refit_tbl %>% modeltime_forecast( new_data = forecast_tbl, actual_data = iniciativa_full1 )

Lucas Zago (11) 98279-2247 Engenheiro Mecânico

De: Matt Dancho Enviado: terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2020 11:38 Para: business-science/modeltime Cc: Lucas Zago; Author Assunto: Re: [business-science/modeltime] Lesson 11.11 - Model Inspection - Visualizing the Future Forecast (#47)

Hey, I actually thought this was your data. If so, I need a reproducible data set with full code to reproduce your issue.

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mdancho84 commented 3 years ago

I'm not going to be able to trouble shoot this. My bandwidth is too contrained at the moment.