buskerudbyen / cycling-norway

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Make a local copy of sykkelkart.rogalandsyklistforening.no #49

Open tsobuskerudbyen opened 1 year ago

tsobuskerudbyen commented 1 year ago

We have premission to copy https://sykkelkart.rogalandsyklistforening.no/. Can this be improved in co-operation with user: balchen?

"Frontend procject for the map (just a wrapper for Leaflet): https://github.com/balchen/sykkelkart-frontend Tile-server-prosjektet (CartoCSS mm.): https://github.com/balchen/sykkelkart-tile-server Repos are private, but send over Github users that need access and I will grant them. "

Some issues in Åkebergveien, as they have new tagging: cycleway:left=lane og cycleway:right=track (and vice versa) - See boths sides of this one: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/880363074#map=19/59.91161/10.76994 Not rendered correctly here: https://sykkelkart.rogalandsyklistforening.no/#59.91081,10.77184,17