buskerudbyen / cycling-norway

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Improvements on the prototype to use as an embeded webpage #71

Closed tsobuskerudbyen closed 1 year ago

tsobuskerudbyen commented 1 year ago

Scenario: Kolumbus would like to try out a cycling campaign by using the prototype web page into an existing website under their control. Can this be done?

We need some improvements on the existing solution to make this work better. Currently the start location is Drammen. There is only one way, from my tests, to change this.

  1. Can a partial URL work in the same way as writing in an selecting a location in the Fra/from field? So that for example https://leonard.io/cycling-norway/?from=58.97425%2C5.73141 will work. See test results under.
  2. By default the location icon is disabled when the page is embedded. Can it be removed?
  3. Would it be possible to select some of the elements from "Tegnforklaring" turned off by URL? For example, if a location is cluttered with info turn off shops and "Sykkelskap".

Testing done with: https://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_embed_html

Is this a special character thing?

leonardehrenfried commented 1 year ago

Add option to to add a label in the "from" field.

Beck-berry commented 1 year ago

Number 3 is already solved via #58.

Tried with https://leonard.io/cycling-norway/?layers=bicycle-route-national-overlay%2Cbicycle-route-local-overlay%2Cpoi-bicycle-parking-public%2Cpoi-bicycle-parking-private%2Cpoi-bicycle-parking-lockers%2Cpoi-bicycle-parking-shed%2Cpoi-bicycle-parking-covered%2Cpoi-bicycle-repair-station%2Cpoi-snow-plow-ok%2Cpoi-snow-plow-warn%2Cpoi-snow-plow-snow%2Cpoi-bicycle-pump-station%2Cpoi-bicycle-shop%2Cpoi-pump-track%2Cbicycle-route-national-background#14/59.739/10.1878 and only "Nasjonale sykkelruter" was visible on the embed map. You can move the map, and the new appearings will be enabled by default.