Create a user-friendly registration form on the frontend with input fields for username, email, and password.
As a new user, I want to sign up for an account, so that I can access the system.
Run 'npm run dev' to start the Next.js development server.
Run 'npx prisma migrate dev' to apply database migrations locally.
In [`55459fc`](https://github.com/herrphon/upptime/commit/55459fc3ad37a6c78d7aef1de4099387378b120c
), Software Center - Test 1 ($SOFTWARECENTER_TEST_1) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response time: 0 …
Run 'npx prisma generate' to initialize Prisma Client.
Create a .env file and set up all required environment variables as per documentation.
In [`7bad632`](https://github.com/M17-Project/upptime/commit/7bad63231ba840d7b3e5cf7124eabb0e334dd88c
), M17-D22 (https://dc7jzb.de/M17Dash) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response time: 0 ms
Run 'npm install' to install all project dependencies listed in package.json.
### Version
### What desktop?
Official MATE
### Explain the issue and what happens
With FreeBSD, zroot/usr/src is created and mounted as /usr/src.
With GhostBSD, zroot/usr/src is no long…