busser / tfautomv

Generate Terraform moved blocks automatically for painless refactoring
Apache License 2.0
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E2E tests with -output=commands to confirm support for Terraform 0.13.x through 1.0.x #24

Closed dixneuf19 closed 1 year ago

dixneuf19 commented 1 year ago

I tried to address #15, by doing the following:

I probably introduced some code smells, please suggest some changes if necessary!

Since it is the Hacktoberfest season, could you include the hacktoberfest-accepted label in the PR ? Or even add the hacktoberfest topic to the repo to indicate that you’re looking for Hacktoberfest PR/MRs!

busser commented 1 year ago

OK so if I understand correctly:

Seeing that Terraform 0.13 was released more than two years ago, I am fine with not supporting Terraform 0.12.

busser commented 1 year ago

I'm somewhat worried by the complexity of the end-to-end test with these changes. Suddenly each test case results in two sub-tests, instead on only one. The terraform state mv command execution logic is also non-trivial. I think it should be moved to a test helper. Perhaps this helper could reuse some of the command execution logic we have in our terraform package.

busser commented 1 year ago

I've iterated on your code a bit and come up with the following changes:

func TestE2E(t *testing.T) {

    // ...

    binPath := buildBinary(t)

    for _, tc := range tt {
        t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {

            for _, outputFormat := range []string{"blocks", "commands"} {
                t.Run(outputFormat, func(t *testing.T) {

                        Skip tests that serve as documentation of known limitations or
                        use features incompatible with the Terraform CLI's version.

                    if tc.skip {

                    if outputFormat == "blocks" {
                        tfVer, err := terraform.NewRunner(".").Version()
                        if err != nil {
                            t.Fatalf("failed to get terraform version: %v", err)

                        if tfVer.LessThan(semver.MustParse("1.1")) {
                            t.Skip("terraform moves output format is only supported in terraform 1.1 and above")

                        Create a fresh environment for each test.

                    setupWorkdir(t, tc.workdir)
                    workdir := filepath.Join(tc.workdir, "refactored-code")

                    args := append(tc.args, fmt.Sprintf("-output=%s", outputFormat))

                        Run tfautomv to generate `moved` blocks or `terraform state mv` commands.

                    tfautomvCmd := exec.Command(binPath, args...)
                    tfautomvCmd.Dir = workdir

                    var tfautomvStdout bytes.Buffer
                    var tfautomvCompleteOutput bytes.Buffer
                    tfautomvCmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(&tfautomvStdout, &tfautomvCompleteOutput, os.Stderr)
                    tfautomvCmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(&tfautomvCompleteOutput, os.Stderr)

                    if err := tfautomvCmd.Run(); err != nil {
                        t.Fatalf("running tfautomv: %v", err)

                        Validate that tfautomv produced the expected output.

                    outputStr := tfautomvCompleteOutput.String()
                    for _, s := range tc.wantOutputInclude {
                        if !strings.Contains(outputStr, s) {
                            t.Errorf("output should contain %q but does not", s)
                    for _, s := range tc.wantOutputExclude {
                        if strings.Contains(outputStr, s) {
                            t.Errorf("output should not contain %q but does", s)

                        If using `terraform state mv` commands, run them.

                    if outputFormat == "commands" {
                        cmd := exec.Command("/bin/sh")
                        cmd.Dir = workdir

                        cmd.Stdin = &tfautomvStdout
                        cmd.Stdout = os.Stderr
                        cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr

                        if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
                            t.Fatalf("running terraform state mv commands: %v", err)

                        Count how many changes remain in Terraform's plan.

                    plan, err := terraform.NewRunner(workdir).Plan()
                    if err != nil {
                        t.Fatalf("terraform plan (after addings moves): %v", err)

                    changes := plan.NumChanges()
                    if changes != tc.wantChanges {
                        t.Errorf("%d changes remaining, want %d", changes, tc.wantChanges)
busser commented 1 year ago

I think this PR is starting to look really good! Thanks for doing the work!

I think we still need to make a few changes:

  1. Include the changes I suggested in the previous comment (feel free to suggest more!)
  2. Remove the fallback logic for checking Terraform's version
  3. Document that tfautomv supports Terraform 0.13.x and above (on the website and in the README, this is important information for users)

After that, I think this PR will be ready.

I am still a bit reluctant about the two additional levels of nesting we are introducing in the TestE2E function. However I do not think that that prevents us from merging this in :)

busser commented 1 year ago

You'll need to update your branch to include the required tests. These tests are currently on the repo's main branch.

dixneuf19 commented 1 year ago

Nice I learned a few things such as the sub-tests or how to execute directly shell commands !

The e2e function is now very long and indented, but for the moment it is still somewhat clean/clear. Splitting it up for the sake of factorization might be premature optimization. Only time will tell.

For the hacky support of v0.12.x, I agree that it may be not be very interesting to add a regexp juste for one old version that you should not use anymore (well I know it is still used in some projects, but it should be an incentive to upgrade).

I included your code into the commits, and rebase everything to have a clear history.

Please challenge my formulation for the documentation, it might not be idiomatic english.

dixneuf19 commented 1 year ago

I have fixed the last issues regarding documentation, should be ready for merge now!