busser / tfautomv

Generate Terraform moved blocks automatically for painless refactoring
Apache License 2.0
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tfautomv partially detected moves #51

Closed DenisBY closed 1 year ago

DenisBY commented 1 year ago

I moved my state to the module. After executing tfautomv I got:

$ tfautomv
Running "terraform init"...
Running "terraform plan"...
│ Done: Added 4 moved blocks to "moves.tf".

And moves.tf contained this:

moved {
  from = aws_autoscaling_group.rabbitmq
  to   = module.ec2-rabbitmq-cluster.aws_autoscaling_group.rabbitmq

moved {
  from = aws_proxy_protocol_policy.rabbitmq
  to   = module.ec2-rabbitmq-cluster.aws_proxy_protocol_policy.rabbitmq

moved {
  from = aws_route53_record.rabbitmq_alb
  to   = module.ec2-rabbitmq-cluster.aws_route53_record.rabbitmq_alb

moved {
  from = aws_route53_record.rabbitmq_elb
  to   = module.ec2-rabbitmq-cluster.aws_route53_record.rabbitmq_elb

however, I have more moved resources.

I had to manually add the rest, i.e.:

moved {
  from = aws_security_group.role-rabbitmq-nodes-sg
  to   = module.ec2-rabbitmq-cluster.aws_security_group.role-rabbitmq-nodes-sg

moved {
  from = aws_security_group.rabbitmq_elb
  to   = module.ec2-rabbitmq-cluster.aws_security_group.rabbitmq_elb

moved {
  from = aws_security_group.rabbitmq_alb
  to   = module.ec2-rabbitmq-cluster.aws_security_group.rabbitmq_alb

etc. 12 more moved resources.

busser commented 1 year ago

By any chance, did you use the -show-analysis flag to see what prevented tfautomv from identifying the missing moves?

DenisBY commented 1 year ago

Thanks for pointing me out. It seems it's mostly because of tags. I refactored code "a little bit".

│ module.ec2-rabbitmq-cluster.aws_lb_listener.rabbitmq_alb
│ ╷
│ │ Mismatch: aws_lb_listener.rabbitmq_alb
│ │ ╷
│ │ │ + tags_all.maintainer = "da"
│ │ │ - tags_all.maintainer = <nil>
│ │ │ + tags_all.owner = "da"
│ │ │ - tags_all.owner = <nil>
│ │ │ + tags_all.env = "acc"
│ │ │ - tags_all.env = <nil>
│ │ │ + tags_all.project = "da"
│ │ │ - tags_all.project = <nil>
│ │ ╵
│ ╵
│ module.ec2-rabbitmq-cluster.aws_lb_target_group.rabbitmq_alb
│ ╷
│ │ Mismatch: aws_lb_target_group.rabbitmq_alb
│ │ ╷
│ │ │ + tags_all.owner = "da"
│ │ │ - tags_all.owner = <nil>
│ │ │ + tags_all.project = "da"
│ │ │ - tags_all.project = <nil>
│ │ │ + tags_all.maintainer = "da"
│ │ │ - tags_all.maintainer = <nil>
│ │ │ + connection_termination = false
│ │ │ - connection_termination = <nil>
│ │ │ + tags_all.env = "acc"
│ │ │ - tags_all.env = <nil>
│ │ ╵
│ ╵