Hi, I am building a transaction with the sole purpose of withdrawing rewards:
const blaze = await getBlazeProvider();
const tx = blaze.newTransaction();
// Assume there is an assert to make sure there are rewards.
tx.addWithdrawal(RewardAccount(account.rewardAddr), delegation.rewards);
tx.setValidUntil(protocolParameters.slot + TX.invalid_hereafter);
const changeAddress = Address.fromBech32(account.paymentAddr);
const result = await tx.complete();
This results in an error if rewards are enough to cover the fees + minUtxoValue for change output as the transaction doesn't have any inputs. It has an easy fix/workaround (manually specifying an input to be spent etc), but I would expect the tx builder to sort this kind of things for me automatically. I.E if no inputs are required to balance outputs + fee (and no extra inputs are manually specified), pick one input anyways either randomly or following some simple preference heuristic
Hi, I am building a transaction with the sole purpose of withdrawing rewards:
This results in an error if rewards are enough to cover the fees + minUtxoValue for change output as the transaction doesn't have any inputs. It has an easy fix/workaround (manually specifying an input to be spent etc), but I would expect the tx builder to sort this kind of things for me automatically. I.E if no inputs are required to balance outputs + fee (and no extra inputs are manually specified), pick one input anyways either randomly or following some simple preference heuristic