butschster / LaravelMetaTags

The most powerful and extendable tools for managing SEO Meta Tags in your Laravel project
MIT License
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Fix A void function must not return a value error #66

Closed uintaam closed 5 months ago

uintaam commented 5 months ago

Fixes and issue with updating the package

  at vendor/butschster/meta-tags/src/Console/InstallCommand.php:38
     34▕         $namespace = Str::replaceLast('\\', '', $this->getLaravel()->getNamespace());
     36▕         if (file_exists($this->getLaravel()->bootstrapPath('providers.php'))) {
     37▕             // @phpstan-ignore-next-line
  ➜  38▕             return ServiceProvider::addProviderToBootstrapFile("{$namespace}\\Providers\\MetaTagsServiceProvider");
     39▕         }
     41▕         /** @psalm-suppress UndefinedFunction */
     42▕         $config = file_get_contents(config_path('app.php'));
butschster commented 5 months ago

@uintaam Thx!