buttercup / buttercup-desktop

:key: Cross-Platform Passwords & Secrets Vault
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add a reference to another password #630

Open xiorcal opened 6 years ago

xiorcal commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to migrate from keepass to buttercup. import works very well wich is very good!

but buttercup seems to missed an important (to me) feature from keepass : add a reference from another entry.

my use case : I have an ldap authentication that I use in numerous of compagny applications and I don't want to update every single entry everytime my password change.

with keepass it is done easily through the "insert field reference" option in the entry menu. so I just have one entry to update when the password must be change.

did I missed the way to achieve this in buttercup or is this not a feature for now?

another solution to my problem would be a "batch update" mode to edit multiple entries at the same time

thanks anyway for bringing some new in the password manager utilities :)

perry-mitchell commented 6 years ago

Hi @xiorcal - I'm not sure what you mean by references here. I guess you're only talking about imported data, right? If you mean for the purpose of updating and overwriting old passwords and values, that could definitely be achieved. It'd require some substantial additions to the importer project, however.

perry-mitchell commented 6 years ago

@xiorcal Would you be able to clarify what you mean?

sallar commented 6 years ago

@perry-mitchell by referencing they mean inserting a pointer to a field in another entry. For example this is a feature in Keepass or other software like Paw (for REST resting). Instead of typing a value directly in the entry, you can "insert a reference" that points to a field of another entry. So when the other entry's password changes, all the entries that have a reference to that field will update. Because the values are references not copies.

perry-mitchell commented 6 years ago

Ah, makes sense.. Pretty hardcore feature though. Might need some work in core.

Depends on buttercup/buttercup-core#223

xiorcal commented 6 years ago

it's exactly what @sallar described. sorry for the delay, I was away from any computer.