buttercup / buttercup-importer

:fishing_pole_and_fish: 3rd-party archive importer for Buttercup
MIT License
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1Password Import- custom fields ignored. #43

Open claywd opened 5 years ago

claywd commented 5 years ago

buttercup isn't creating custom fields where they were created in 1password. For instance, you have 6 licenses for office 2016 each with different key name and value. You export to p1f and try to import to buttercup. Buttercup creates an entry with only one password and no custom fields.

I haven't done a ton of research on this but wanted to put it here for tracking

perry-mitchell commented 5 years ago

This should use the new facade types as well, for setting entry value types: https://github.com/buttercup/facades#value-types