buttercup / buttercup-importer

:fishing_pole_and_fish: 3rd-party archive importer for Buttercup
MIT License
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Import KeePassXC entries #61

Open viktigpetterr opened 3 years ago

viktigpetterr commented 3 years ago

Hi there,
I was trying to import my exported (to csv) KeePassXC db to Buttercup through the csv import option but ended up with the following:

I'm not sure if you officially support importing csv exported KeePassXC databases but I thought I could let you guys know at least :blush:. If you don't support it, that would be a cool enhancement imo!

Keep up the good work! :key:

perry-mitchell commented 3 years ago

Thanks @viktigpetterr! Sorry for the late reply. Not sure how KeepassXC databases might differ from Keypass - do they?

Can you provide a sample database with no sensitive data (and a simple password like test) so I can reproduce?