buttercup / buttercup-mobile

:iphone: React-Native mobile application for Buttercup
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No luck implementing onSaveRequest, any ideas? #214

Closed Bad-Listener closed 3 years ago

Bad-Listener commented 4 years ago

What OS version are you using Android

What device are you using Android Emulator Pixel 2

Hello all! I am trying to extend buttercup mobile in order to enable a user of the app to store his credentials into the application after they have entered them in i.e. Google Chrome, but after following instructions from Android Autofill Manager documentation (https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/text/autofill-services, section "Save User Data")

To save the data, the service must indicate that it is interested in storing the data for future use. Before the Android system sends a request to save the data, there is a fill request where the service has the opportunity to fill out the views. To indicate that it is interested in saving the data, the service includes a SaveInfo object to the response of the precedent fill request. The SaveInfo object contains at least the following data:

The type of user data that would be saved. For a list of the available SAVE_DATA values, see SaveInfo. The minimum set of views that need to be changed to trigger a save request. For example, a login form typically requires the user to update the username and password views to trigger a save request.

So I am extending fillResponseBuilder in BCAutoFillService like that:

// Note the dataset MUST have values set. These aren't actually used so we'll just fill dummy values out parseResult.email.forEach(id -> builder.setValue(id, AutofillValue.forText("-"))); parseResult.username.forEach(id -> builder.setValue(id, AutofillValue.forText("-"))); parseResult.password.forEach(id -> builder.setValue(id, AutofillValue.forText("-"))); Dataset dataSet = builder.build(); fillResponseBuilder .addDataset(dataSet) setSaveInfo(new SaveInfo.Builder( SaveInfo.SAVE_DATA_TYPE_EMAIL_ADDRESS | SaveInfo.SAVE_DATA_TYPE_PASSWORD, new AutofillId[] {parseResult.email.get(0), parseResult.password.get(0)}).build()); callback.onSuccess(fillResponseBuilder.build());

but the function onSaveRequest is never triggered after filling in the fields.

Any ideas? I looked for some example code/tutorial with little luck' most people have implemented the onFillRequest method, but not onSaveRequest.


perry-mitchell commented 3 years ago

Closing as this is quite stale.