buttercup / buttercup-mobile

:iphone: React-Native mobile application for Buttercup
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Autofill on Android does not work #323

Open skariko opened 2 years ago

skariko commented 2 years ago

Hello, I found no way to make autofill working on Android.

I have enabled autofill, changed several browsers but on no occasion does the popup for autofill come up.

Where am I going wrong? Or is it a feature that is not yet available?

Android 13 Pixel 6

max-zu commented 1 year ago

it happens because of this https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent#getParcelableExtra(java.lang.String)

https://github.com/buttercup/buttercup-mobile/blob/master/android/app/src/main/java/com/buttercup/autofill/AutoFillBridge.java#L252 returns null

any updates ? @perry-mitchell

perry-mitchell commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately not from my side sorry. I'm still working on getting the extension up to date for manifest v3 and haven't had time to work on the mobile app.

This feature was working so something has changed on the android side. Hopefully someone will contribute a fix.

masterjg commented 1 year ago

Hm.. autofill still doesn't work Android 12 (LineageOS).

When comparing Buttercup to Bitwarden I can see that Buttercup doesn't have "Display over other apps" permission and also is not shown in Accessbbility setting page.

perry-mitchell commented 1 year ago

Hmm, sounds like we need to make adjustments there.

I'm not a daily android user so I'm not familiar with the development requirements either. Would be great if someone with more experience on the platform could contribute such a fix..

PLLX76 commented 1 year ago

Please fixe this bug

perry-mitchell commented 1 year ago

Please limit discussion to helpful/constructive comments, thanks. I would welcome a PR to fix this but don't currently have time to do it myself.

max-zu commented 1 year ago

Please limit discussion to helpful/constructive comments, thanks. I would welcome a PR to fix this but don't currently have time to do it myself.
