buttercup / buttercup-mobile

:iphone: React-Native mobile application for Buttercup
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Deleting a vault does not delete it from the IOS Password Auto-fill #335

Open guillaumevpayet opened 1 year ago

guillaumevpayet commented 1 year ago

When deleting a vault on the IOS app, the vault is not removed from IOS Password Auto-fill.

For example, I have only 2 vaults but I experimented (added them and removed them repeatedly) to get WebDAV set up correctly and here is the IOS Password Auto-fill: IMG_0344

ldexterldesign commented 8 months ago

Ya, definitely something up here

Will upload screenshots when I’m in macOS as GH won’t allow uploads in iOS 😕

Essentially, iOS app says 274 entries and functions OK & iOS Safari auto fill says 0 entries and fails to show recent entries in search


ldexterldesign commented 8 months ago

Same problem in iOS Brave browser

ldexterldesign commented 8 months ago

IMG_2682 IMG_2683

ldexterldesign commented 8 months ago

👋 @perry-mitchell

Hope you're OK!

Glad to know it's a bug and not just me - this has been driving me mildly crazy for some time but keep neglecting to report it in the moment!

Finally a new login that I need on my phone, which doesn't appear findable, prompted me to report it
