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Cloud Storage Provider Request - Mega #1

Closed redxtech closed 5 years ago

redxtech commented 6 years ago

Is it reasonable to request that you add mega to the list of potential cloud storage integrations? I'm not 100% sure how the API relates to that of some other providers, but it's built with privacy and end-to-end encryption in mind, so I personally think that it would be a good idea.

perry-mitchell commented 6 years ago

Thanks @redxtech - Not sure on the popularity of Mega, so I'd prefer to personally see some feedback from others before deciding if we'll include this. Either than or some usage statistics of the platform (number of users, geos, etc.)..

perry-mitchell commented 5 years ago

Since this has been somewhat quiet, I'll close the issue. We'd prefer to discuss viable storage vendors in a more casual manner for now, as integration is a lot of work. You can either raise a discussion on it via our reddit comm. or via Keybase.