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Sponsorship tooling #1502

Open jmduke opened 1 year ago

jmduke commented 1 year ago



Work to be done

Out of scope for now, but interesting ideas

stefanjudis commented 1 year ago

I occasionally include sponsors (if people reach out) and it's a very manual process. I keep a sheet with ongoing sponsorship discussions and include a sponsor block in the email itself.

My landing page setup is somewhat special because I'm running my own domain. The plan looks great though because I'd be primarily interested in the automation ( payment / invoice / confirmation ).

I'd have to have a look how I'd marry webweekly.email and the provided functionality. 🫣

jmduke commented 1 year ago

@stefanjudis This is a great angle that I don't think I've thought about enough! I'd definitely want to make sure it's well-supported.

Right now, the flow for you would be something like: you link from webweekly.email to https://buttondown.email/stefanjudis/sponsorships, which would then have a slot open for each week. Buttondown then manages the links for those invoices, confirmation, etc.

Is it a hard no for you to have folks go to https://buttondown.email/stefanjudis/sponsorships to handle that part, since you'd want styling and all that? I don't have any problem with that from a branding standpoint, but it makes me wonder what the easiest way for you to integrate would be — maybe just pulling the open dates + URLs from api.buttondown.email/v1/advertising-slots?

stefanjudis commented 1 year ago

@jmduke Thanks for considering.

Is it a hard no for you to have folks go to https://buttondown.email/stefanjudis/sponsorships to handle that part, since you'd want styling and all that?

It isn't. Your thinking is spot on.

My preferred solution would be:

If https://buttondown.email/stefanjudis/sponsorships gives the possibility for a logo / hero on top, that'd work for me.

jmduke commented 1 year ago

@stefanjudis You got it. All should be doable.

jmduke commented 3 months ago

Some good examples via @matthiasott of sponsorship pages: