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Buttonmen - an online dice game
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Acquire button images #138

Closed blackshadowshade closed 4 years ago

blackshadowshade commented 10 years ago

We need images for all the buttons, so that we can display them in the game.

blackshadowshade commented 10 years ago

http://cheapass.com/node/39 has many of the pictures

ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

I think I have them on a backup disk from one of my old PCs. I'll look for them and get them to you.

cgolubi1 commented 10 years ago

Oops, the comment i made on #427 really belongs here: can the images be 150x150 instead of 100x100? There's no rush --- i can easily scale up the existing ones for demo purposes.

ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

I'll have them for you by the end of the day today. I'll try your trick of using a second working directory to keep my changes isolated. I'll create a separate folder for 150x150 images - maybe this is something that should be a user preference? Or would you rather I overwrite the images that are there?

cgolubi1 commented 10 years ago

I found a tiny number of images at the wayback machine, but they are 150x150, so might as well use 'em. 3 down, ...several to go:

cgolubi1 commented 10 years ago

Also, randomdice's roster (http://www.randomdice.com/games/buttonmen/roster.asp) has a number of images, if you click the "Pictures" radio button you can see them. What's there are all 150x150

AdmiralJota commented 10 years ago

And they do have consistently non-transparent backgrounds, which could make the notion of using color-coded backgrounds in the UI tricky, unless someone here is particularly good at editing backgrounds out of images.

yawetag commented 10 years ago

It would probably be easier to copy/paste the non-background part of the image to a new, transparent background. I don't know, though - I have little knowledge in graphic design.

jl8e commented 10 years ago

Either way ought to be fairly easy, really. (Not that I know how to do it, but it’s the sort of operation that’s pretty basic.)

irilyth commented 10 years ago

I am way not an image processing expert, but if no one else is either, I can certainly do simple stuff like draw a circle around part of an image, copy it to a new transparent background, and save the file. :^)

AdmiralJota commented 10 years ago

I was under the impression that there would be tricky bits involving anti-aliasing and shadows, but if someone can make them look good without worrying too much about those things, I will certainly not argue with results.

cgolubi1 commented 10 years ago

Hmm, so, over on ticket #520, i found an imagemagick command to make round images. I just used it to give Jota some images he could use for his demo, but is there any reason that same command wouldn't work to transform all the images?

irilyth commented 10 years ago

No clue; if that works, that's great. :^)

AdmiralJota commented 10 years ago

I think we ought to pick a few decent-looking 150px images (like http://www.randomdice.com/games/buttonmen/bmimages/hale.jpg or http://www.randomdice.com/games/buttonmen/bmimages/bunnies.jpg or http://www.randomdice.com/games/buttonmen/bmimages/patience.jpg) and compare the before and after versions to see how they turn out.

cgolubi1 commented 10 years ago

Okay, so i downloaded hale, cropped the image to make a 130px-130px "hale_cropped.png", containing only the actual button (sigh, there goes my unscaled 150x150 idea again, since those button images aren't actually 150x150), and ran:

convert hale_cropped.png \( +clone -threshold -1 -negate -fill white -draw "circle 65,65 65,0" \) -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite hale_circ.png

hale_cropped hale_circ

ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

I posted on Origins asking for art assets, and started a buttonmen online group on facebook to get some help. I got a quick response and now have images for the Bar Mitzvah set, plus some more background on it. Yay! With luck I'll have Geekz assets, and maybe a Geekz 2 set, soon.

Anyhow, this is what I'm still missing:

button set
Abe Caine 2003 Rare-Promos
Amara Wintersword 2004 Origins
Beatnik Turtle 2004 Origins
Captain Bingo 2004 Origins
Oni 2004 Origins
Spite 2004 Origins
Super Germ 2004 Origins
Delt 2004 Origins
Reggie 2004 Origins
Rold 2004 Origins
Kitty Cat Seven 2005 Rare Promo
Sylvia Branham 2005 Rare Promo
Kolat Everything to Gain
Ninja Everything to Gain
Tenchi Tenchi Muyo!
Kagato Tenchi Muyo!
Ayeka Tenchi Muyo!
Ryoko Tenchi Muyo!
Mihoshi Tenchi Muyo!
Soja's Guardians Tenchi Muyo!
Kiyone Tenchi Muyo!
Ryo-Ohki Tenchi Muyo!
Washu Tenchi Muyo!
Dr. Clay Tenchi Muyo!
Sasami Tenchi Muyo!
Zero Tenchi Muyo!
Frankie Las Vegas
Lola Las Vegas
Sly Las Vegas
WildCard Las Vegas
Black Jack Las Vegas
Craps Las Vegas
Shamrock Las Vegas
PaiGow Las Vegas
Magician Las Vegas
Unicorn Legend of the Five Rings
Alice Wonderland
Mad Hatter Wonderland
Queen Of Hearts Wonderland
The Jabberwock Wonderland
Tweedledum+dee Wonderland
White Rabbit Wonderland
Caine Geekz
Cammy Neko Geekz
Sailor Man Geekz
Xylene Geekz
Chairman Kaga Iron Chef
Iron Chef Chinese Iron Chef
Iron Chef French Iron Chef
Iron Chef Italian Iron Chef
Iron Chef Japanese Iron Chef
Anger 7 deadly sins
Envy 7 deadly sins
Gluttony 7 deadly sins
Greed 7 deadly sins
Lust 7 deadly sins
Pride 7 deadly sins
Sloth 7 deadly sins
Audrey Chicago Crew
Cheathem Chicago Crew
Flint Chicago Crew
Lizzie Chicago Crew
Monty Brown Chicago Crew
Octavia Chicago Crew
Spooky Chicago Crew
Death Four Horsemen
Famine Four Horsemen
Pestilence Four Horsemen
War Four Horsemen
CynCyn Free Radicals
Loren Free Radicals
Lorrie Free Radicals
Maskin Free Radicals
Randy Free Radicals
Tony Free Radicals
BabyBM Hodge Podge
Bull Hodge Podge
Butthead Hodge Podge
Button of Loathing Hodge Podge
Craptacualr Hodge Podge
Crosswords Hodge Podge
Da Pimp Hodge Podge
Darth Maul Hodge Podge
Eeyore Hodge Podge
Evil Robot Luke Hodge Podge
Ferretboy Hodge Podge
Holiday Hodge Podge
Horde O Ninjas Hodge Podge
Jose Hodge Podge
Loki Hodge Podge
Marilyn Monroe Hodge Podge
Miser Hodge Podge
Qui-Gon Jinn Hodge Podge
Skomp Hodge Podge
The Tick Hodge Podge
Thor Hodge Podge
Tilili Hodge Podge
Trogdor Hodge Podge
Tyler Durden Hodge Podge
ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

FYI, the facebook group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/buttonmenonline

jl8e commented 10 years ago

I have a lot of the Origins buttons as actual buttons.

IIRC, the Tenchi set were never actually released due to licensing.

Most of the missing sets were customs for the old site, so you’ll probably need to get them from Skeeve or Peace.

Caligari commented 10 years ago

I've got the Unicorn button and could photograph it, if that would help? I don't seem to have the others, which is a shame!

ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

Thank you, Julian and Caligari.
. . . BTW, one of my personal brain care specialists is named Caligari. She's a clinician, not a doctor, but I suppose it's possible she keeps a somnambulist in a cabinet. ;o)

I expect a scan of Unicorn within a day, but it doesn't hurt to have more than one image source. You can send me a photo so I have more than one source to choose from, or wait to see if I can use the scan before you get out your camera. Either way, thanks.

Is anyone in contact with Skeeve or Peace? Every set on the list below Iron Chef contains "made for this site" die types, so they're the ones that we'll most likely only get from someone with access to the old site files. I think Iron Chef was made for the site, also, but I'm not sure if it had images or flavor text.

If anyone talks to Skeeve or Peace, please ask if they have the fanatics files, too. That would rock!

I've been focusing on button images, but we should probably get flavor text as well.

jl8e commented 10 years ago

It’ll be a little while before I have access to a scanner, and I don’t have any great cameras. (iphone 4 and an older standalone) I’ll also have to find my buttons.

Iron Chef was made for the site, and there was art and flavor text.

jl8e commented 10 years ago

OK; I found my secret stash of Button Men.

Of the Origins buttons, I have all of them but Amara Wintersword, Oni and Captain Bingo. (I also have the Killer Christmas Tree, which my memory says was also part of the Origins promos that year, and the Cheese Weasel, which I assume you have.)

If we want an original file for Beatnik Turtle, we might want to try reaching Famous.

I might be able to get an original for Spite — I’ll probably run into the Smirk and Dagger Games guy at Dreamation next week.

ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

I have the Tenchi Muyo! set. Even thought they weren't released Kuni has set history from the designers including button mock-ups! He also sent me Las Vegas (it turns out Magician is also known as Crypto, so that needs to change to match Showgirl vs. Lola) (and I think I'm going to redo the art anyway because they are just blank circles with dice and special rules text), Alice in Wonderland (which I'll also probably rework into color from the b/w scans), plus Nodwick photos that are most likely better than the ones I took. He also sent me Order of the Dolls and Blademasters (just the 1st of 3 Blademaster sets) which are on my list of unofficial sets to add to the database! They're fuzzy scans, but I have my friend, G, touching up the Metamorpher scans fan me - I'll see if he can do these as well.

ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

Question: on button images that just have the image and no recipe, should I add the recipe or leave as-is? This includes the two Space Girlz buttons and metamorphers, and maybe more.

Also, my source image for Changeling (soldiers rare) is low-res (it's the one from the randomdice site). If anyone has the a better source, or the button please send me an image.

Last note: so far I've been sizing the images to match size and placement of the nice looking 150x150 images I found, including the size of the drop-shadow. The size of the actual button in these is only 138x138, leaving a lot of blank space around the sides of the image. I changed my script so the button on drop shadow make use of the full 150x150 image size.

@AdmiralJota if it's ok I'll send you some of the larger images for you to code some mock-ups using them. For the smaller images you can grab them from my repo, or from the default image thread. I want to make sure the transparencies and drop-shadows work against the different colored backgrounds, as well as have a comparison of the two image sizes.

For now I'll make new images using the larger size, and redo the already completed images last. (larger size is referring to the button - they're all 150x150 images)

AdmiralJota commented 10 years ago

Sure, I can stick them in to my mockups.

jl8e commented 10 years ago

Scans of the ones I listed above, plus Unicorn are at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g064on3q24d8mtr/02KIQjB-Cu They’re saved as PDF, since the only other option was jpeg when scanning straight to a memory card (which was convenient). If better formats are needed, it shouldn’t be a problem.

ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

Thanks. Update to missing button image sources: I now have all Las Vegas, Tenchi Muyo!, 2005 Rares, and all of 2004 Origins except for Captain Bingo and Oni. I also have the Alice, the Hatter, the Queen & the Rabbit from Wonderland (and I'm not concerned about getting the rest - I think the source images are public domain so I can recreate them). Unicorn and Abe Cain are also acquired. Thanks go to Jl8e, ElihuRoot, and Kuni.

ignoring the made for the old site buttons for now, this is what I still need:

button set
Captain Bingo 2004 Origins
Oni 2004 Origins
Kolat Everything to Gain
Ninja Everything to Gain
The Jabberwock Wonderland
Tweedledum+dee Wonderland
Caine Geekz
Cammy Neko Geekz
Sailor Man Geekz
Xylene Geekz

. . . and mostly just the 4 at the top of the list. Bryce from 4th Blade said he'll dig up the Geekz images when he gets a chance.

jl8e commented 10 years ago

The Wonderland source images were the Tenniel illustrations, so definitely public domain.

Is it worth asking the Smirk and Dagger guy if he has a digital image for the Spite button, or is the scan sufficient?

ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

The scans are good, thanks. : D

ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

Woot! Turns out I have Ninja and Kulat - they're just not labeled on the buttons.

ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

daisy jingjing mau spencer talus

These are the metamorphers. Can someone please verify that these are Daisy, JingJing, Mau, Spencer, and Talus in that order? Also, should I add their names and recipes to the button images?

Thanks. : D

Ahdiomer commented 10 years ago

If I read it correctly in Rhea Shelley's Button Men: The Book, the order should be Daisy, Mau, Talus, Jingjing, Spencer. Names would be fine, but I'm not so sur about the formular as they would probably cover too much of Jingjing's, Spencer's and Talus' faces.

ManvilleFog commented 10 years ago

I can mirror the image to provide space for the recipes. That doesn't mean I should. I guess I'll try it and see how it looks.

blackshadowshade commented 8 years ago

So, I've managed to start up some player-driven button image acquisition and processing, and I'm optimistic that this might actually bring us loads of images.

I've also asked alwayslurking whether he's willing to write a short wiki for us to say how he processes the scanned images within Gimp.

Hurtay commented 8 years ago

I've met (via chat) a player with quite a few physical buttons he'll scan for me. Sadly none of them is a button we haven't got the image of yet. So I'll try to improve the images we've got already. If anyone somehow finds new images I now can get them into the right format with lightreflex/shadow etc.

blackshadowshade commented 8 years ago

@Hurtay pointed me to some interesting button art online at BoardGameGeek:

The buttons themselves don't bring any interesting gameplay, in my opinion, but the art might be interesting for some of you.

blackshadowshade commented 4 years ago

I'm going to close this, since I think we've pretty much got all the images that we're going to get. Any further images can be added as we find them.