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Buttonmen - an online dice game
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Fire turndown screen has misleading range #1705

Open irilyth opened 9 years ago

irilyth commented 9 years ago

In http://dev.buttonweavers.com/ui/game.html?game=1828, I made this attack:

irilyth chose to perform a Power attack using [h(V=10):5] against [zfBp(V=6):6]; irilyth must turn down fire dice to complete this attack

At the top, under "Your turn to complete an attack by adjusting fire dice", it says "Turn down Fire dice by a total of between 1 and 5.", but I only have one Fire die, a pF(10):3, so I can't actually turn down 4 or 5 points worth of Fire dice.

I suspect that it's setting the range entirely based on what the attacking die could do; it should probably logical-and that against what the player's Fire dice can do.

blackshadowshade commented 9 years ago

This is a difficult thing to fix, because the required information is not currently being passed from the backend.

irilyth commented 9 years ago

Hmm. How does the UI know that the maximum number to put in the turn-down menu is the value of the Fire die?

cgolubi1 commented 9 years ago

On Fri, 11 Sep, 2015 at 06:21:44 -0700, irilyth wrote:

Hmm. How does the UI know that the maximum number to put in the turn-down menu is the value of the Fire die?

The UI implements the logic to count how many sides all the fire dice are above minimum. Which is incorrect --- the backend should be passing that --- but it's what we're doing now.

James, that implies that in the power case, the UI could take the min of the existing logic for the skill case, and the number it gets from the power-related calculation you added. No?


blackshadowshade commented 9 years ago

I don't know if I understand correctly, Chaos, but I think your solution is probably incorrect.

Take the example given by irilyth above. There, we want the hint range to be between 1 and 2, ideally. However, the existing logic for the skill case would make the hint range be between 1 and 1, which is not correct.

Of course, I could always add some complicated logic to the frontend to try to detect fire dice, and then work out the maximum turndown for each fire die, but I'd really rather not do things this way. I think that we're agreed that the backend should send this information to the frontend.

dwvanstone commented 9 years ago

For power attacks, I think all that's needed to be specified is the minimum amount. "Turn down Fire dice by at least 1" in this case.