buttonwoodcx / bcx-aurelia-reorderable-repeat

An Aurelia repeater supports drag & drop reordering automatically.
MIT License
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Does not respond to push #1

Closed pyjpenny closed 6 years ago

pyjpenny commented 6 years ago

If an element is pushed onto the model array after initial templating nothing happens.

The standard aurelia-repeat supports push, splice, pop methods and reflects them. https://github.com/aurelia/binding/issues/245

3cp commented 6 years ago

All collection mutation actions should work. Here is a demo for "push" that you mentioned. https://github.com/huochunpeng/rr_debug

Let me know what you wrote in your project, you can fork the above repo to show me your code. Thx.

pyjpenny commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your response. It is definitely not working for me. I will try to write up a simpler test case showing what I am seeing, but, I have promised something for this afternoon, so it might be next week before I can show you.

pyjpenny commented 6 years ago

OK, this appears to be a problem with something else I am doing. It is working for my test case. Thanks for your help. Closing report.