buttplugio / buttplug-rs-ffi

FFI from buttplug-rs to Java and other languages
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Non protobuf API #70

Closed kitlith closed 3 years ago

kitlith commented 3 years ago

everything is unimplemented, and i'm not actually sure about my usage of generics with the callback.

we should probably introduce cbindgen as well.

qdot commented 3 years ago

More reference, from discord: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/2195-really-tagged-unions.md

kitlith commented 3 years ago

an alternative to actually exposing structures that get passed to the consumer of the library is to implement getter and/or setter functions ala the way the existing client and device work, except not async. brings back some of the flexibility that protobuf affords, at the tradeoff of more ffi calls.