buunguyen / mongoose-deep-populate

Mongoose plugin to enable deep population of nested models ⛺
MIT License
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deepPopulate function not available #51

Closed kristianmandrup closed 7 years ago

kristianmandrup commented 7 years ago

Trying to follow your example, deepPopulate is not an available function.

    name: AssertionError
    message: Rejected promise returned by test
      'Rejection reason:': '[TypeError: Env.findById(...).deepPopulate is not a function]'
    at: 'model._callee$ (packages/red-storage/mongodb/schemas/Project.js:35:10)'

Trying to use it here

      return await Env.findById(id)
        .where('type ').in(types)

Works without deepPopulate, but then doesn't populate with nested branch/commits (obviously!)

      return await Env.findById(id)
        .where('type ').in(types)

This is my setup

Tried to register locally on Project schema


Trying to register it globally via mongoose.plugin. Is this possible?

var models = require('mongoose-models')
let mongoose = require('mongoose')
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;

// Register plugins
const deepPopulate = require('mongoose-deep-populate')(mongoose)
const findOrCreate = require('mongoose-findorcreate')


let methods = {
  envType: async function (types, cb) {
    if (typeof types === 'string') {
      types = [types]
    let envIds = this.environments
    let Env = this.model('Env')
    let envs = envIds.map(async(id) => {
      return await Env.findById(id)
        .where('type ').in(types)
    return Promise.all(envs)

let schema = {
  type: String,
  owner: ref('User'),
  environments: refList('Env')

models.create('Project', {
  query: {
    byName: function (name) {
      return this.find({
        name: name
buunguyen commented 7 years ago

This plugin adds the method to Query object. Check to make sure mongoose-models returns Query somehow.

kristianmandrup commented 7 years ago

Aha! then I might need to hack mongoose-models some extra ;)

But it does create a normal schema

see here

And I have since hacked it to do props.schema.plugin(yourPluginHere) when it find a plugins entry (Object or Array)

mongoose-models plugins registration

Thanks anyways