buvinghausen / Swashbuckle.NodaTime.AspNetCore

Easily configure Swashbuckle to generate correct documentation for NodaTime types.
MIT License
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Consider converting to C# #6

Open larsiver opened 2 years ago

larsiver commented 2 years ago

I do not want to start a war on programming languages, F# is probably a nice language, but reality is that the majority of users uses C#. In that case, using this package adds a dependency on FSharp.Core.dll, which adds 3MB to the total size of my published files.

As I leave out Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.dll entirely (I only need to access swagger definitions programmatically, not via the UI), FSharp.Core.dll is the largest file in my published set of files, but is only included to support a very small piece of functionality - admittedly, a nice piece of functionality, but still... An additional 3MB is not my biggest concern, but it does pull stuff in the wrong direction.

Thus I would recommend converting this project to C#. I guess this would be fairly easy, I actually did it once locally before issue 3 was solved, thus I could probably dig up the code to be used as a starting point.

buvinghausen commented 2 years ago

@larsiver I'm sure it would be a pretty straight forward task unfortunately I do not have any time to allocate to such an endeavor so short of a working PR I don't know when I would be able to invest the time needed. I use F# pretty heavily with the type providers so the FSharp.Core dilemma has no benefit in my ecosystem.