Open DaveTiff opened 3 years ago
Now not sure it is that, as it has now also stopped working with 5.1.1. Restarting Mosquitto broker allows it to work again.
It has been working fine for over a week, Now running HA 2021.5.5
Anyone else having problems.
Regards, Dave
Another person is now having trouble with Mosquitto broker 6.0.1 and AM43.
Also happening here. HomeAssistant 2021.5.5 Mosquitto: 6.0.1
All other MQTT devices (mainly Tasmota) all still working perfectly
Hi, The exact same thing happens with my system too: updated my Mosquitto broker from 5.1.1 to 6.0.1 stops AM43 from operating.
The Blue Tooth Enable works, but the components on HA dashboard remain Greyed Out. Restoring MQTT back to 5.1.1 cures this problem.
Regards, Otto
added a question in the mosquito thread [] support the question
I have several curtains at home. half are connected via this integration, half are connected via test version in esphome after updating mqtt those connected via esphome remained working. the rest stopped working like everyone else.
I have several curtains at home. half are connected via this integration, half are connected via test version in esphome after updating mqtt those connected via esphome remained working. the rest stopped working like everyone else.
tell me, how exactly did you connect the AM43 to ESPhome in the test?
У меня это работало если указать в версии Esphome "buxtronix:am43". После этого все работало. Это было в в начале марта. Когда я пробовал в апреле сделать аналогичные действия, я получаю ошибку, такую же как и у тебя. поэтому новые шторы я завел не через esphome а через родную интеграцию от buxtronix. Решил что это проще, чем разбираться. Жду когда данная интеграция будет в релизе esphome что бы использовать ее полноценно и однообразно у себя.
none of the options work at the moment
Use mqtt version 5.1.1 and this integration
The problem is that I cannot roll back the mosquitoes
what prevents you from installing a clean instalation of mosquito not from HA? on any computer on the network or docker?
Everything interferes, on the PC not an option, on the docker, too, as on the Home Assistant!AgyPTdNGxaf8iY1lVEbLF46puzGa2A?e=vV0QSs
this is my mqtt snapshot as I understand you can restore 5.1.1 using it. will it help?!AgyPTdNGxaf8iY1lVEbLF46puzGa2A?e=vV0QSs
this is my mqtt snapshot as I understand you can restore 5.1.1 using it. will it help?
Thanks, I have installed the Mosquitto broker add-on Current version: 5.1.1, but after HA update (core-2021.6.2) the problem reappeared
I am on core-2021.6.2 and Mosquitto broker 5.1.1 mine is still working ok
Re Dave
this is PubSubClient issue, not AM43
this is PubSubClient issue, not AM43
Thanks for the updated news on this. The question is how to solve it? and how to get AM43 working with the mqtt 6.0 version?
Thanks for the updated news on this. The question is how to solve it? and how to get AM43 working with the mqtt 6.0 version?
you can include arduino-mqtt lib instead of PubSubClient lib and then check all of 22 mqtt methods in your/example sketch) ota update is available PubSubClient has no update since 2020 so it is possible that it is abandoned
Maybe it's time to make changes to the repository? It feels like this project is abandoned
I've not got the bad mosquitto version so can't reproduce. Feel free to send a PR and I'll merge a fix that helps.
Thanks for the updated news on this. The question is how to solve it? and how to get AM43 working with the mqtt 6.0 version?
you can include arduino-mqtt lib instead of PubSubClient lib and then check all of 22 mqtt methods in your/example sketch) ota update is available PubSubClient has no update since 2020 so it is possible that it is abandoned
Do you mind sharing your sketch? I tried and just go tonnes of errors compiling
Has anyone got a solution for this issue when mosquitto is already at v6.0.1?
I unfortunately have no mosquitto snapshot at earlier version, all other MQTT integrations are still working great but no action from AM43 integration on my system.
Has anyone successfully ported the code to a different MQTT client?
Same issue here. It would help if the serial output had any info or debugging lines about MQTT, as I have no idea whats going on.
I can see it finding position and battery but nothing is sent to MQTT other than am43/enabled = ON
Same issue here. It would help if the serial output had any info or debugging lines about MQTT, as I have no idea whats going on.
I can see it finding position and battery but nothing is sent to MQTT other than am43/enabled = ON
exactly the same with me Everything can be cured with ESPHome
#21 (comment) Everything can be cured with ESPHome
Could you please share some instructions on how to set this up in ESPHome? I never used that before. Thanks for help.
#21 (comment) Everything can be cured with ESPHome
Could you please share some instructions on how to set this up in ESPHome? I never used that before. Thanks for help.
Also important in -> Supervisor -> ESPHome -> Configuration -> esphome_version - buxtronix:am43 certfile - fullchain.pem keyfile - privkey.pem
name: cover
platform: ESP32
board: esp32dev
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: "any password"
ssid: "Sergio"
password: "Password"
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Cover Fallback Hotspot"
password: "StW7wyE8nD6N"
- mac_address: 01:02:03:AA:BB:CC
id: blinds
- platform: am43
name: "Blinds in bedroom"
id: cover_bedroom
ble_client_id: blinds
- platform: am43
ble_client_id: blinds
name: "Blinds battery"
name: "Blinds light"
update_interval: 120s
- platform: uptime
name: Uptime Sensor
- platform: restart
name: "Device Restart"
- platform: ble_client
name: "Blinds On"
ble_client_id: cover
id: right_on
#21 (comment) Everything can be cured with ESPHome
Could you please share some instructions on how to set this up in ESPHome? I never used that before. Thanks for help.
Also important in -> Supervisor -> ESPHome -> Configuration -> esphome_version - buxtronix:am43 certfile - fullchain.pem keyfile - privkey.pem
esphome: name: cover platform: ESP32 board: esp32dev # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: ota: password: "any password" wifi: ssid: "Sergio" password: "Password" # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Cover Fallback Hotspot" password: "StW7wyE8nD6N" captive_portal: esp32_ble_tracker: ble_client: - mac_address: 01:02:03:AA:BB:CC id: blinds cover: - platform: am43 name: "Blinds in bedroom" id: cover_bedroom ble_client_id: blinds sensor: - platform: am43 ble_client_id: blinds battery_level: name: "Blinds battery" illuminance: name: "Blinds light" update_interval: 120s - platform: uptime name: Uptime Sensor switch: - platform: restart name: "Device Restart" - platform: ble_client name: "Blinds On" ble_client_id: cover id: right_on
This helped me, thanks!
Hi..first time with ESPHome. Followed all the above instructions and installed the add-on. Set the following configurations.
esphome_version: buxtronix:am43 certfile: fullchain.pem keyfile: privkey.pem
My .yaml file is as below and validates. But, throwing bunch of errors during install. Can somebody please suggest whats wrong here?
esphome: name: cover platform: ESP32 board: esp32dev
ota: password: "anypassword"
wifi: ssid: "xxxxxxx" password: "yyyyyyy"
ap: ssid: "ssssssss" password: "zzzzzzzz"
Compilation Errors.....
HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->
Dependency Graph
Do not use the external_components:
source: github://buxtronix/esphome-am43
the AM43 is already a built in option in ESP home
Thank you. Deleted those 2 lines. Its got compiled successfully and installed. Working as expected. !!
I put a temp fix for current version using PubSubClient, this is not the best solution, I made this changes just for test purposes. Now it is able to subscribe and publish topics to mosquitto
I also tried to replace PubSubClient by MQTT 2.5. Both versions are on examples on my fork and in "working condition", if you want to try and share your comments about it.
Home Assistant 2022.4.0 Mosquitto broker addon 6.0.1
Thanks, Antonio
6.2.0 works perfect
Hi, updated my Mosquitto broker from 5.1.1 to 6.0.1 stops AM43 from operating.
The Blue Tooth Enable works, but the components on HA dashboard remain Greyed Out. Restoring MQTT back to 5.1.1 cures this problem.
Regards, Dave