buymeasoda / soda-theme

Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text
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Render bug with Sublime 3 #155

Closed TheHippo closed 10 years ago

TheHippo commented 11 years ago

Somehow the Soda themes don't work for me on Sublime 3.

I am on Ubuntu 12.04, Gnome 3. The issue occurs with Sublime build 3047 and 3052.

Here is how it looks:


P.S.: I really love this theme and appreciate all the work put into this. P.S.2: If it helps to provide more information for this, just let me know.

TheHippo commented 11 years ago

Additional information:

kruxik commented 11 years ago

Same here, totally broken with new Theme Soda. Disabling it for now...

buymeasoda commented 11 years ago

This is an unfortunate problem with the new Sublime package format that I hope can get addressed by Jon and Will somehow, as there's not much that can be done from the theming side.

With the new single file packages (that are zip files), when a theme update occurs Package Control will remove the old theme file - which then completely (but only temporarily) breaks the display of the theme if it happened to be active - then downloads the new version to add it.

This approach is ok for plugins and other packages, but for a theme it makes the update experience pretty messy.

If the theme has finished downloading, completely closing and restarting sublime should do the trick. Otherwise, try setting your theme to default, updating / installing Soda Theme, then setting your theme back to Soda.

I've mentioned it on the forum (see "User experience when upgrading themes via Package Control") in the first post: but it's probably time to try and see if we can get a better solution in place between Will and Jon, otherwise this will happen every time there's a theme update, which is confusing for everyone.

There's some other general info in the wiki about troubleshooting (, but it's almost definitely the theme being removed during update that's causing the render craziness.

TheHippo commented 11 years ago

This seem pretty odd to me, but it works. Thanks.

kruxik commented 11 years ago

It seems a Theme Soda was also installed via Package control. When removing Theme Soda from Package control and installing it clearly from GIT, the problem is gone. Thank you for your tip buymeasoda! Nice work with the theme, I love ti!

evanpurkhiser commented 11 years ago

Is the package manager also adding Soda to the ignored_packages setting array? Or is that unrelated to this? I've noticed when package manager updates the theme, not only does it break like described in this issue, but it also gets added to the ignored_packages list, breaking the theme till it's removed.

buymeasoda commented 11 years ago

@EvanPurkhiser I've also had trouble with ignored_packages kicking in during theme development, but it was unrelated to Package Control. So it may be more a core ST feature being inadvertently triggered by Package Control.

When editing the theme during development, if I save and exit, then restart ST (which I have to do a lot for some areas like customising the text boxes) the editor will sometimes move the theme definition into the ignored packages list. Then it can restart without moving it out of ignored packages, causing the theme rendering display to break.

Sounds like Package Control is triggering this same scenario, and ST is leaving the rule in the ignored set for some reason.

buymeasoda commented 11 years ago

@kruxik Using Package Control for the theme is fine. Just has the unfortunate cosmetic issue of causing the theme rendering to get messed up while doing a theme download and update. Once the theme update is applied, closing ST and restarting will sort it out.

And as mentioned by @EvanPurkhiser, the last thing to check if things are still glitched when you restart, is that the theme didn't get stuck into the ignored_packages array. If it did, just delete that line from you user preferences file and restart ST one more time.

buymeasoda commented 11 years ago

I'm going to leave this open so people having the same experience can easily find it.

I've submitted a post to the Sublime Text forum explaining the situation and looking for solutions. You can find more details about why this happens there. Please add any suggestions if you have them to that post.

The issue is not specific to Soda Theme. It will happen to any active theme each time that theme is updated. I'm hoping I can find a solution either via Package Control, or having something adjusted for Sublime Text core.

Until then, the best solution is to:

  1. Let the theme update complete fully, then quit and restart Sublime Text (watch the Package Control activity indicator in the status bar, bottom left)
  2. If the theme is still not rendering correctly after restart, check the theme is not in the ignored_packages list in your user preferences file. If it is, remove it and quit / restart sublime

There's also some additional information in the troubleshooting section of the wiki:

GitHubGeek commented 10 years ago

Got hit by the same rendering bug on OS X. I found a workaround: Delete this cache directory before starting ST3:

~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Cache/Default/

remybach commented 10 years ago

I just tried installing it (I'm using ST3 build 3059 on OSX Mavericks) and what you see below is the result. I've tried the "quit and restarted Sublime Text" route, and it's not in my ignored_packages (as you can see). I've also removed all other preferences from the file and I tried what @GitHubGeek suggested to no avail.

Any ideas?


remybach commented 10 years ago

Ah, I figured it out... for some reason it wasn't installing using package control so I had to manually clone the repo into my Packages directory.