buymeasoda / soda-theme

Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text
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Change colour of console, ST3? #171

Closed jfainberg closed 9 years ago

jfainberg commented 10 years ago

Is it possible to change the colour of the console, i.e. dark console on Soda Dark, instead of white? The white is very sharp on an otherwise completely dark (and beautiful!) theme.

buymeasoda commented 10 years ago

Still having this issue @Jodles?

Not sure what the problem might be here, if everything is working correctly the console for Soda Dark should be dark as well. Which version of ST2 / ST3 are you running and have you got the correct theme specified for that version.

A good tip is to fully quit then restarted Sublime Text, some theme aspects need a cold start to apply

jfainberg commented 10 years ago

Hi @buymeasoda

Yeah, I'm using ST3 build 3059 on OS X 10.9.2. My Settings - User looks like

    "color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.tmTheme",
    "dictionary": "Packages/Language - English/en_GB.dic",
    "theme": "Soda Dark 3.sublime-theme"

Have re-started both ST and OS X many times since reporting the issue. Very strange! Not sure what could be the cause of this. This is how the console looks: screen shot 2014-02-26 at 5 57 28 pm

buymeasoda commented 10 years ago

Settings look fine to me.

Do you get those colours in other text areas like the find / replace boxes, or the command palette text box?

I suspect the widget theme file, a sub part of the main UI theme that defines those elements, isn't loading correctly. Might be caused by the location of your main Soda Theme directory.

If you close all files and restart Sublime then open the console, there will be output about theme loading and start up steps. See if there's anything in there reporting an error on load or not being found.

The colours in those areas are controlled by two files inside the theme directory / package file (which is really just a renamed zip file) called Widget - Soda Dark.sublime-settings and Widget - Soda Dark.stTheme.

These are the two files that set those colours:

If either of those files are not loading correctly, or have been changed that would be one potential cause.

buymeasoda commented 10 years ago

Another step to try is to clear your package cache files for Soda Theme.

On Mac, the default location for that is: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Cache/Theme - Soda.

If you quit Sublime, delete this directory, and restart Sublime it will create a fresh cache version. Some theme changes don't update because of the cache having an older / different version.

jfainberg commented 10 years ago

@buymeasoda , everything seems to load correctly, and I've deleted the package cache to no change. But, I just realised, it's not actually the console that isn't dark (sorry!). I didn't realize there are two different windows: The console that allows input, and another log window that just presents results after compiling. Compare these two below. Is it possible that the second just isn't currently supported by Soda? It's the same output window that shows up for any language (I just tried compiling both LaTeX and Python): screen shot 2014-02-27 at 10 31 32 am screen shot 2014-02-27 at 10 32 29 am

buymeasoda commented 10 years ago

Ah ok. Unlike the console, the build area uses the color schemes from the editor syntax highlighting color scheme.

So for example, if you have a white background color scheme for your editor pane, it will have a white background with the same text colors in this area.

I'm not sure why you have different colors between the active document and build output as they are normally the same, but a guess is that you could have some syntax specific color schemes set, and the build area is triggering one of these by identifying itself as that file type.

I just did a quick test where I registered syntax specific settings for plain text files (.txt) and it applied that to the build area, so seems like the go.

Do you set syntax specific color schemes for your setup?

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any way to stop Sublime Text applying that scheme via the theme system, other than to set your plain text color scheme (or whichever one is the trigger) back to a dark theme.

jfainberg commented 10 years ago

Ah, that's strange. I haven't set anything particular, and just tried compiling both LaTeX and Python and both had the white build output.

Possibly silly question: Where do you set the plain text color scheme?

I'm sorry this is not really a Soda-theme issue anymore. Thanks so much for your help though!

buymeasoda commented 10 years ago

Here's the steps to create a new syntax specific settings file for plain text. This file type seems to control the build output area, but other file types might also apply.

This will open the existing syntax specific settings file for plain text if one exists, or create a blank settings file which you can customize and edit just like your normal user preferences file.

    "color_scheme": "Packages/User/Monokai Soda.tmTheme"

Those settings will now apply to plain text files, and the build output area.

You can also manage file specific configurations by going to the Packages / User folder. They exist there with a .sublime-settings extension along with the regular settings for general preferences and package control.

Hope that fixes things :)