buythesenbundle / ethanf_2025

Apache License 2.0
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Live Quiz #2

Open buythesenbundle opened 2 weeks ago

buythesenbundle commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Erase existing environment (screen capture)
  2. Set up our working environment (git clones)
  3. Activate your tools (runs version checks for Ruby, Bundler, Python, and Jupyter to make sure everything is functioning)
  4. Activate virtual environment (if the virtual environment breaks, the rest of the computer will be unaffected)
  5. Within venv (virtual environment), start up your server so you can access it online by using VS code's terminal
  6. Enter your now active website by ctrl+clicking on the link labeled server address in the terminal
buythesenbundle commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Erase environment image

Website image

buythesenbundle commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Clone Repo image
buythesenbundle commented 2 weeks ago

Activate tools step

ethan9505@DESKTOP-876P3PQ:/mnt/c/Users/fuhu1$ bundle -v
[/home/ethan9505/gems/specifications/bundler-2.5.17.gemspec] isn't a Gem::Specification (NilClass instead).
Bundler version 2.5.18
ethan9505@DESKTOP-876P3PQ:/mnt/c/Users/fuhu1$ ruby -v
ruby 3.0.2p107 (2021-07-07 revision 0db68f0233) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
ethan9505@DESKTOP-876P3PQ:/mnt/c/Users/fuhu1$ python --version
Python 3.10.12
ethan9505@DESKTOP-876P3PQ:/mnt/c/Users/fuhu1$ jupyter --version
Selected Jupyter core packages...
IPython          : 7.31.1
ipykernel        : 6.7.0
ipywidgets       : 6.0.0
jupyter_client   : 7.1.2
jupyter_core     : 4.9.1
jupyter_server   : not installed
jupyterlab       : not installed
nbclient         : 0.5.6
nbconvert        : 6.4.0
nbformat         : 5.1.3
notebook         : 6.4.8
qtconsole        : not installed
traitlets        : 5.1.1
buythesenbundle commented 2 weeks ago

Setup for Environment for Project

Creates virtual environment


ethan9505@DESKTOP-876P3PQ:~/nighthawk/ethanf_2025$ ls
404.html  LICENSE      _config.yml  _layouts    _posts  assets    requirements.txt  venv
Gemfile   Makefile  _includes    _notebooks  _sass   images  navigation  scripts
buythesenbundle commented 2 weeks ago

Run Server


buythesenbundle commented 2 weeks ago

Run Server Address
