buzzfeed / sso

sso, aka S.S.Octopus, aka octoboi, is a single sign-on solution for securing internal services
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TestSignatureRoundTripDecoding Error #317

Open HonlinRen opened 2 years ago

HonlinRen commented 2 years ago

The TestSignatureRoundTripDecoding in configuration_test.go ,the test case failed,the error is

=== RUN   TestSignatureRoundTripDecoding

    exp: "424ed3e021af966edfd244d35dd1bfb9d05a42e2ae10095a8d3c5c23dc3fa5cb"

    got: "424f5a1abb9c82c354773f665592d5b7bbde933611e46ef5039db87b2d4c5e1c"

--- FAIL: TestSignatureRoundTripDecoding (0.00s)

But I can't find out where the problem is

Jusshersmith commented 2 years ago

Hey @HonlinRen 👋,

Assuming you've not made any local changes, could I just confirm which commit you're working from? The TestSignatureRoundTripDecoding test passes locally for me on both the 3.0.0 release commit:, and the latest main commit: (e.g. go test -run TestSignatureRoundTripDecoding from the internal/proxy directory).

It's also working via our remote tests on GitHub (circleci).

HonlinRen commented 2 years ago

I hava git pull and go run TestSignatureRoundTripDecoding this test again,but it's still eroor. As follow

git pull
remote: Enumerating objects: 36, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (36/36), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
remote: Total 36 (delta 25), reused 36 (delta 25), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (36/36), 6.84 KiB | 6.00 KiB/s, done.
 + 980fa1d...f92247f jusshersmith-sso-http-samesite -> origin/jusshersmith-sso-http-samesite  (forced update)
 + 282aaed...ddae086 jusshersmith-sso-http-samesite-testing -> origin/jusshersmith-sso-http-samesite-testing  (forced update)
Already up to date.

=== RUN TestSignatureRoundTripDecoding request_signer_test.go:179:

    exp: "424ed3e021af966edfd244d35dd1bfb9d05a42e2ae10095a8d3c5c23dc3fa5cb"

    got: "424f5a1abb9c82c354773f665592d5b7bbde933611e46ef5039db87b2d4c5e1c"

--- FAIL: TestSignatureRoundTripDecoding (0.01s)