bvaldebenitom / SoloTE

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I have some question. when I was running the ReadMtx function #39

Closed hzauleibowen closed 5 months ago

hzauleibowen commented 5 months ago

I run cellranger as

/data3/leibowen/softwore/cellranger-4.0.0/cellranger  count --id=Donor2 --transcriptome=/data3/leibowen/leibowen/scTE/HUMAN/genome/hg38/  --fastqs=/data3/leibowen/leibowen/scTE/HUMAN_LIVER/Fastq --sample=Donor2 --expect-cells=10000

I run soloTE as

python ./  --threads 4 --bam ./Donor2/outs/possorted_genome_bam.bam --teannotation   ../human3.txt --outputprefix Prefix --outputdir Donor2_TE

the same pipeline process well in mouse Liver scRNA data. but whe I run the human scRNA data it happened


solote_matrix <- ReadMtx(mtx = paste(idr,"matrix.mtx.gz",sep=""),
                         cells = paste(idr,"barcodes.tsv.gz",sep=""),
                         features =paste(idr,"features.tsv.gz",sep=""),
Error: readMM(): column indices 'j' are not in 1:ncol[=425745]

1. ReadMtx(mtx = paste(idr, "matrix.mtx.gz", sep = ""), cells = paste(idr, 
 .     "barcodes.tsv.gz", sep = ""), features = paste(idr, "features.tsv.gz", 

this is my matrix data

%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate integer general
1255408 425745 27634470
zcat features.tsv.gz|wc -l
zcat barcodes.tsv.gz|wc -l

cells number and genes number are identical to the thrid row in matrix,and the same process done well in mouse

zcat barcodes.tsv.gz|head

I think there are some barcode which is not in cellranger standard but I don't know who to correct it.Can you help me?