bvanelli / actualpy

Python API implementation for Actual server - reference
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Rules 'contains' condition is case sensitive #52

Closed spideraxal closed 1 month ago

spideraxal commented 1 month ago


Reproducible example

from actual import Actual

with Actual(base_url="http://localhost:5006", password="mypass", file="My budget") as actual:

Log output

No response

Issue description


It seems that when running the actual.run_rules() function, some rules that use the 'contains' comparator are not applied via the API because the condition evaluation is case sensitive (compared to a case insensitive comparison done by Actual in the GUI).

My guess is there is an issue inside the file, maybe the following part: (as in is not case insensitive)

 elif op == ConditionType.CONTAINS:
        return self_value in true_value

Expected behavior

Rule If all of these conditions match 'notes' contains 'LIDL' then set 'description' to '906286fc-88fb-4ec4-94c6-5e12a71126b5' matches for transferred_id=None category_id='541836f1-e756-4473-a5d0-6c1d3f06c7fa' sort_order=1720699638709.0 reconciled=1 amount=-7112 financial_id=None tombstone=0 acct='bfc9afd8-8787-4107-81cd-1a4cbc91d07c' payee_id='906286fc-88fb-4ec4-94c6-5e12a71126b5' type=None cleared=1 is_parent=0 location=None pending=0 schedule_id=None id='d2c01c7d-d8ae-4d4c-bc13-265cf10ac7d2' is_child=0 error=None parent_id=None notes='LIDL xxxxxxxxxx' imported_description='LIDL xxxxxxxxxxxxx' date=20240130 starting_balance_flag=0

The rule above only matches if i set the keyword to LIDL (capital letters). It should match in lowercase as well (it does this in Actual)

Installed versions

bvanelli commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the report, I also fixed the behaviour for the other comparisons (is, oneOf) that did not ignore the case either.