bvarga / delphizmq

0MQ Delphi binding
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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zmq assertion failure with TZMQPoller.Poll #17

Open toleressea opened 8 years ago

toleressea commented 8 years ago

I receive the following error message when attempting to use TZMQPoller.Poll with the 64-bit ZeroMQ library (3.2.4, in this case):

"Assertion failed: Invalid argument (......\src\zmq.cpp:868)"

The following is an example free pascal program that generates the error (using 64-bit FPC):

program TestZmqPoll;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  context: TZMQContext;
  socket: TZMQSocket;
  poller: TZMQPoller;
  context := TZMQContext.create;
  socket := context.Socket(stSub);
  poller := TZMQPoller.Create(True, context);

  poller.Register(socket, [pePollIn]);
  while True do begin

The assertion failure does not occur when using 32-bit FPC and libzmq.

bvarga commented 8 years ago

I've never tried to make it work with a 64bit ZeroMQ lib, :(

cpicanco commented 7 years ago

I stumbled in a similar issue. Here are some notes.

On a windows 10, 64 bits machine.

First I have built 32 and 64 versions of libzmq.dll (3.2.5) with vs2015. Pool works great with Lazarus 32 bits (1.6.2, fpc 3.0.0) and libzmq.dll 32 bits. However, it failed with Lazarus 64 bits and libzmq.dll 64 bits (TZMQPoller.poll returning result = -1). I had to change the following lines to make lazarus happy:


procedure TZMQSocket.RegisterMonitor( proc: TZMQMonitorProc; events: TZMQMonitorEvents = cZMQMonitorEventsAll );
PISocket : ^integer;
{$ifdef UNIX}
tid: QWord;
{$ifdef WIN32}
tid: LongWord;
{$ifdef WIN64}
tid: QWord;

On a Linux Bunsen Labs-Hydrogen (Debian 8), 64 bits machine.

Everything works great with Lazarus 1.6.0 64 bits. Lazarus 32 was not tested. Lazarus 1.6.2 will be tested.

bvarga commented 7 years ago

Any pull requests are welcome, it's a great news that you could make it work on 64bit.

cpicanco commented 7 years ago

@bvarga , I did nothing, really! ZMQPool still does not work on Win64 (even though it gets compiled with the corresponding "*.dll"). And on Linux 64, Lazarus 64 bits and compiling the 3.2.5 version from source it always worked without any changes. I am not sure why :roll_eyes: :dizzy:

Ps.: Lazarus 1.6.2 64 bits works great as well.