bvaughn / react-highlight-words

React component to highlight words within a larger body of text
MIT License
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Feature proposal : allow including language specific accents as part of a highlight match #118

Closed seedy closed 4 months ago

seedy commented 4 months ago

Feature proposal


I'd like my Highlighter to match characters with or without language specific accents.

Current behavior

Language specific accents don't match words.


Expected behavior

The should match Thé, Thè, 'Thê', etc.

sergei-startsev commented 4 months ago

@seedy Language accent analysis isn't a trivial task, and I'd rather keep it beyond the library's scope to ensure it remains compact and customizable.

boehm-e commented 3 months ago

for those interested in this feature, here is a working example of how to achieve this:

const removeDiacritics = (text: string) => {
  return text.normalize("NFD").replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "");

const escapeRegExp = (text: string) => {
  return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');

const findNormalizedChunks = (data: any) => {

  const normalizedText = removeDiacritics(data.textToHighlight);
  let chunks: any[] = [];
  data.searchWords.forEach((word: string) => {
    if (!word.trim()) return; // Skip empty or whitespace-only words

    const escapedWord = escapeRegExp(word.trim()); // Escape special characters
    const regex = new RegExp(escapedWord, 'gi');
    let match;
    while ((match = regex.exec(normalizedText)) != null) {
      const start = match.index;
      const end = regex.lastIndex;
      // Ensure we do not re-find the same zero-length match
      if (end === start) {
        regex.lastIndex = start + 1; // Move past this index
      // Check if this match is already covered by a previously found chunk

      if (!chunks.find(c => c.start <= start && c.end >= end)) {
        chunks.push({ start, end });

return (<Highlighter
  searchWords={removeDiacritics(query).split(" ").map(q => q.trim())}