Closed gabalafou closed 1 year ago
Oh, and maybe the following info will be useful. If I do an import like so:
import * as Highlighter from "react-highlight-words";
Then if I print Highlighter to the console, this is what I get:
function Highlighter(_ref) {
var _ref$activeClassName = _ref.activeClassName;
var activeClassName = _ref$activeClassName === undefined ? '' : _ref$activeClassName;
var _ref$activeIndex = _ref.activeIndex;
var activeIndex = _ref$activeIndex === undefined ? -1 : _ref$activeIndex;
var activeStyle = _ref.activeStyle;
var autoEscape = _ref.autoEscape;
var _ref$caseSensitive = _ref.caseSensitive;
var caseSensitive = _ref$caseSensitive === undefined ? false : _ref$caseSensitive;
var className = _ref.className;
var findChunks = _ref.findChunks;
var _ref$highlightClassName = _ref.highlightClassName;
var highlightClassName = _ref$highlightClassName === undefined ? '' : _ref$highlightClassName;
var _ref$highlightStyle = _ref.highlightStyle;
var highlightStyle = _ref$highlightStyle === undefined ? {} : _ref$highlightStyle;
var _ref$highlightTag = _ref.highlightTag;
var highlightTag = _ref$highlightTag === undefined ? 'mark' : _ref$highlightTag;
var sanitize = _ref.sanitize;
var searchWords = _ref.searchWords;
var textToHighlight = _ref.textToHighlight;
var _ref$unhighlightClassName = _ref.unhighlightClassName;
var unhighlightClassName = _ref$unhighlightClassName === undefined ? '' : _ref$unhighlightClassName;
var unhighlightStyle = _ref.unhighlightStyle;
var rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ['activeClassName', 'activeIndex', 'activeStyle', 'autoEscape', 'caseSensitive', 'className', 'findChunks', 'highlightClassName', 'highlightStyle', 'highlightTag', 'sanitize', 'searchWords', 'textToHighlight', 'unhighlightClassName', 'unhighlightStyle']);
var chunks = (0, _highlightWordsCore.findAll)({
autoEscape: autoEscape,
caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
findChunks: findChunks,
sanitize: sanitize,
searchWords: searchWords,
textToHighlight: textToHighlight
var HighlightTag = highlightTag;
var highlightIndex = -1;
var highlightClassNames = '';
var highlightStyles = undefined;
var lowercaseProps = function lowercaseProps(object) {
var mapped = {};
for (var key in object) {
mapped[key.toLowerCase()] = object[key];
return mapped;
var memoizedLowercaseProps = (0, _memoizeOne2['default'])(lowercaseProps);
return (0, _react.createElement)('span', _extends({
className: className
}, rest, {
children: (chunk, index) {
var text = textToHighlight.substr(chunk.start, chunk.end - chunk.start);
if (chunk.highlight) {
var highlightClass = undefined;
if (typeof highlightClassName === 'object') {
if (!caseSensitive) {
highlightClassName = memoizedLowercaseProps(highlightClassName);
highlightClass = highlightClassName[text.toLowerCase()];
} else {
highlightClass = highlightClassName[text];
} else {
highlightClass = highlightClassName;
var isActive = highlightIndex === +activeIndex;
highlightClassNames = highlightClass + ' ' + (isActive ? activeClassName : '');
highlightStyles = isActive === true && activeStyle != null ? Object.assign({}, highlightStyle, activeStyle) : highlightStyle;
var props = {
children: text,
className: highlightClassNames,
key: index,
style: highlightStyles
// Don't attach arbitrary props to DOM elements; this triggers React DEV warnings (
// Only pass through the highlightIndex attribute for custom components.
if (typeof HighlightTag !== 'string') {
props.highlightIndex = highlightIndex;
return (0, _react.createElement)(HighlightTag, props);
} else {
return (0, _react.createElement)('span', {
children: text,
className: unhighlightClassName,
key: index,
style: unhighlightStyle
+1. I'm getting the same thing.
More information:
I ran npm i --save react-highlight-words
as specified in the readme. I then added the following line to the top of the file in question:
import {Highlighter} from 'react-highlight-words';
When I do so, vscode gives me the following error:
@bvaughn or @gabalafou any updates on this? It's been open for a while.
npm install --save-dev @types/react-highlight-words ??
Yup, I think using the DefinitelyTyped definitions would be the way to go:
I recently added react-highlight-words to a TypeScript project, but when I tried to import it in the usual way, I got an error:
I tried rewording the import statement several different ways, but nothing worked. Eventually, I was able to import react-highlight-words via:
I am able to import other third-party React components with the import statement just fine - for example, react-json-view. So I wonder if it's an issue with my TypeScript configuration or if it's an issue with the way that react-highlight-words is packaged (or both).
Here's how my tsconfig.json file looks: