bvaughn / react-resizable-panels
MIT License
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Unable to fire user-events with @testing-library/react library inside of resizable panel #367

Open florianmartens opened 1 week ago

florianmartens commented 1 week ago

Hey, thanks for putting all this work into this library. It is really great!

What issue have I encountered

When using @testing-library/react inside of a component that lives inside of <ResizablePanelGroup />, I'm unable to dispatch events with the @testing-library/user-event library. This does not seem to be an issue with testing library nor any other dependency.

I suspect that somewhere dom nodes are remounted in an unforeseen way. By the time we want to dispatch an event the reference to the dom node is invalid. Strangely, events dispatched with fireEvent work.

How to reproduce?

I've created a repo for reproduction. The important part is the test file resizable-layout.test.tsx.

test("click has no output with userEvent", async () => {
  render(<ResizableDemo />);
  const btn = screen.getByTestId("test");
  const user = userEvent.setup();
  await; // Will not call the onClick handler

test("click has output with fireEvent", async () => {
  render(<ResizableDemo />);
  const btn = screen.getByTestId("test");; // Will call the onClick handler

Steps for reproduction

What is the impact?

React testing library is a popular way of testing react applications and user-event is the recommended way working with events. Currently any component inside of a resizable area cannot dispatch user events.

bvaughn commented 3 days ago

Open to reviewing a PR if you'd like to suggest a fix!