bvaughn / react-window

React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
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How to update itemSize when items changes? I'm getting gaps when filtering items #707

Open paulwongx opened 1 year ago

paulwongx commented 1 year ago

I'm rendering a sidebar that can be filtered down every time someone types into the searchbar. A simplified version of my code is below. Everything works except for the fact that there are gaps when filtering. Keep in mind, each section is a conventional "Row" and not a link. Essentially, say the first section gets filtered out, the Row components renders the new first Row properly, but the OLD height is being used for that new first row.

How can I update the itemSize once the list changes?

From reading other issues, I think this prop might help resetAfterIndex but how are you supposed to use it? resetAfterIndex={0} doesn't work and neither does resetAfterIndex={{index:0}}. It says no overload matches this call. But the typescript definitions are there. I think this is only there in class components or something... cuz it looks like the typedefs are for classes...?

const Row = memo(function Row({
  data: { navigation },
}: ListChildComponentProps<{
  navigation: Navigation[];
}>) {
  const nav = navigation[index];

  return (
    <li key={} style={style}>
      { => (
          <Link key={} href="#">
}, areEqual);

const getItemHeight = ({ navSection }: { navSection: Navigation }) => {
  return 36 + navSection.children.length * 36;

function List() {
  const { navigation } = useContext(NavigationContext);

  // This useCallback isn't working as intended... It should update the itemSize whenever navigation changes
  const getItemSize = useCallback((index:number)=> getItemHeight({ navSection: navigation[index] }), [navigation]);
  const getItemLength = useMemo(()=> navigation.length, [navigation]);

  return (
      {({ height, width }: Size) => (
          itemSize={getItemSize} // <----- How can I update this dynamically whenever navigation changes? useCallback isn't working. 
          itemData={{ navigation }}


nolatone commented 1 year ago

I'm curious about this as well. Hopefully this will be assigned soon.

xerosanyam commented 1 year ago


xerosanyam commented 1 year ago

this solved the issue for me.

useEffect(() => {
    console.log("re-compute styles");
  }, [finalList]);
piczi commented 1 year ago

@xerosanyam thank you useEffect(() => { !!dataSource?.length && instanceRef?.current?.resetAfterIndex?.(0); }, [dataSource]);

timminata commented 1 year ago

@xerosanyam Thanks, it seems like this can actually trigger an update. Any idea why forceUpdate() does not fix it? I assumed forceUpdate() would do the trick, but it does not.

deviun commented 11 months ago
